^^ I see this in me as well... I can be very sensitive to changes between me and other people... Sometimes it is like the water lapping the beach.... It is not a lot but daily things that has an effect -moods of others on a generally normakl day to day routines... Other times it is like a violent storm, large waves that are whitecapping, hitting the beach.... lot of noise, wind and spray... That kind of change in a relationship is overloading, sometimes I do shut down to maintain a level of the ability to maintain functioning...
It seems like may people are concerned about hemselves, aas if everyone is the center of their own universe. I feel pulled like silly putty in 8 or 9 directions at times... More I am able to isolate myself, more I can maintain my sanity, control and less likely to be drawn into others stuff affecting me so much.
It is like approaching a black hole or a planet. Maintain a safe distance without being pulled in. If you get closer, must have enough acceleration (as in time apart to charge) to escape their pull, so I am not sucked in.
I have adapted being around others but still need to be alone from time to time on a regular basis.