For those living in Canada and parts of America you may know what a transit bus is, a city bus. I had a bad incident on there today.
Okay, here goes, after school I was waiting for the transit bus to arrive. There was so many people on it, and I went on one of the later stops, so I couldn't sit anywhere, some of us had to stand. There was very very little room on the bus for anything, and I stood next to this lady with her baby and a stroller(The lady held on to her baby and she didn't want to unfold the stroller, she was also sitting down) A few minutes later,(You know how you sometimes uncontrollably touch things when you are on the bus, like when it turns or stops?) Well, when the bus turned at one point, there was very little room so I accidentally touched the stroller, then the lady yells.
Me: "I'm sorry, geez."
I do it again by accident.
Me talking in a very angry and loud tone of voice: "I'M TRYING NOT TO, GOD!"
There were a few odd looks by students, aiming at me, not at her. Did the lady really think I was some rude punk who likes to touch things that don't belong to me? It seemed like as if she thought I was doing it on purpose. I know for a fact that she didn't want people to touch the stroller because she didn't want germs to be spread on it, but guess what, that's her problem, not mine. You know why? Because she picked the wrong time to go on the transit bus when so so many highschool kids are on there, like what do you expect to happen if you were the one taking your baby and it's stroller on a transit bus when there are so many people? Do you expect that people will be perfectly safe with it for the whole time when there's very little room? I mean accidents happen, so why does she have to b***h about it? I swear, due to my anxiety and asperger related problems I was almost about to hit the baby, or scream f**k off, but good thing I didn't.
Yet another few minutes later, that same lady is having a lovely conversation with this highschool dude, I didn't hear every single word but it was something like this.
Lady: I don't want people touching the stroller, you guys might spread germs on it, and yet I have 3 kids.
The kid: Yeah, I agree.
Then the lady said something about her biking 2-3 hours a day, but again, I can't accurately recall this conversation.
A few seconds later when the bus driver made a huge stop and everybody got squished forward, the kid accidentally squished into the stroller, and yet the lady didn't yell at him.
Due to what I just said there, is the whole world against me and can't appreciate anything I do? Even if it's good? Like the other kids yell at me if I get to an accident or if there is something bad I am doing, but they don't do it if a normal person makes the same mistake. Did the lady really notice how "different" I am, just by looking at me?
Well I'm glad that's over, hopefully nothing like that happens tomorrow.
Has any of you aspies had a similar incident like that before or feel that not a lot of people appreciate what you do even if it's good, just because you're "different"? Well I feel that way, I'm just tired of people being so critical towards me, it's not my fault I'm different and that I touched a stupid stroller, god.
If a normal person(Not including family members of aspies) reads this, they will probably be posting s**t and hate comments and saying that I was being rude, but if you aspies read this I am expecting that the majority of you will agree with me and share similar problems.