taintedangelboy wrote:
Babies can be fun, but not all the time. They sure aren't perfect and sweet.
They cry all hours of the day and night, they throw up a lot, they make really smelly diapers, you have to take care of them 24-7, and not just as babies, because they grow to be children, then teens.
You have to be able to afford to feed and cloth them. If you want help from the government over this, expect to stand in line for five hours with a screaming dirty diapered baby in your arms.
Expect to get all your favorite things torn or broken, by the time the baby becomes a toddler.
Expect your favorite outfits to all be ruined by having them thrown up on, wet upon, and food stains all over them.
Expect to have to take your baby to the clinic on a regular basis for shots, colds, and regular growth check ups. Expect the clinic line to be just as long if not longer then the line you stood in for food.
How are you going to support yourself and your baby? If you get a job, how are you going to afford daycare, if you get the government to pay for day care, what if your baby is sick, then you have to take off work, not to mention you are already getting paid crap for not finishing high school. How are you going to pay your bills that your baby is sick and you are out of work?
A baby is not easy. Do yourself a favor and grow up first, get a kitten, it's easier!
Makes you wonder what the point is on a personal level.
I don't have Aspergers, I'm just socially inept
Dodgy circuitry! Diagnosed: Tourette syndrome. Suspected: auditory processing disorder, synaesthesia. Also: social and organisation problems. Heteroromantic asexual (though still exploring)