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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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13 Jul 2009, 7:43 pm

Only if you count people that I talk to on the internet/forum sites.

Otherwise, I have no social life because I don't spend time with friends and I barely know or talk to anyone in real life.


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14 Jul 2009, 7:19 am

I used to not have a social life back in Year 9 of school. But people in my year came up to me, and I got to know them that way round. Through talking on MSN, and hanging around in the park, I have built up quite a steady, but easy going social life. That's why I haven't been on posting on here that often. And on Saturday, I'm going to go on a Caravan Holiday with them. :D

Tufted Titmouse
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14 Jul 2009, 7:50 pm

I used to not have any social life whatsoever, and would only interact superficially with anyone at school. I haven't met anyone I'd call a friend to me, atlhugh a few have come close. Sometiems I hang around a group, and I mgiht go to a few of their pbirthday parties, but ther'es no meaningful connection between me and them.


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26 Jul 2009, 8:35 am

I didn't have any social life at all until I was about 13. In fact, I had no friends until I was about 11 or 12 years old. In the past few months I've started doing more things with my friends. Soon I'm going on a trip to London with my friend, her mum, and another friend. I usually do social things about once a month. Most girls in my classes go to parties, go shopping and hang out at the park about twice or three times a week but if I tried to do that with my friends I'd find it overwhelming. Luckily they understand this and don't get offended if I tell them I don't feel like doing stuff.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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26 Jul 2009, 3:55 pm

well, i have friend, but i only hang out with them when im in school , i guess i could say i have a social life on the internet, but otherwise, no.

Hi, my name is Johan but I go by josh. I am currently studuying biochemistry at the University of Virginia. Before that I lived in Paradise Valley, AZ. I was born in Denmark

Tufted Titmouse
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26 Jul 2009, 10:49 pm

I suppose it's different for different Aspies, but I find that as well as having some difficulty with obtaining friends, I also find I am able to discern and not put up with the lies or deceit that often occurs with "friendship".


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27 Jul 2009, 10:42 pm

lol im new (this is my first post :o ) but umm no not really, i got like...3 or so real life friends my age, and a couple a few years younger than me..which idk if i could call friends...and all but one are guys, lol.

i homeschool, so i dont have a social life at school..once a week i goto taekwondo class but thats about it..all my socialising is done online, i have many online friends on different websites, msn, aim, social networking sites...have had an online gf for 3 years, but really no real life social life..cause i suck at making new friends lol.

"Loved by few, hated by many. Envied by most, wanted by plenty. Remember my name, remember my face-Because there ain't no other that can take my place."

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Jul 2009, 1:08 am

Not at all outside of the internet. :(


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04 Aug 2009, 11:55 pm

I think I do. I do theater and have many theater friends. I play electric guitar and teach it. I'm in an A Capella group. I love just hanging out with friends and going to the mall and just messing around with them. I love going to the roller skating rink. I also do dance. I also rap with friends and all that.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Aug 2009, 2:52 pm

well kind of...
i'm quite far away from being a social butterfly but I have 3 good friends, one of them is an aspie too...
but i never go to parties (i'm never invited) and a lot of people make fun of me

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Blue Jay
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26 Aug 2009, 9:48 am

I don't feel comfortable at all with people my age, so no, I hardly ever go to social things, but then again, I don't like to, LOL!
I prefer to hang out with older people, I feel way more comfortable with them, than people my age. I have a few friends but they are a few years younger than me, and when I am at social things with people my age they never talk to me, and if I try to talk to them, I get nervous and can't talk well, so I don't even bother, LOL!

I am owned by 11 tropical parrots.
Have Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, AS and Autitory Processing Disorder.

Tufted Titmouse
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26 Aug 2009, 10:30 am

i feel quite lucky to have a social life because for some reason, im a people magnet and everyone wants to be my "friend". i think that they are just facinated to spend time with "that awkward girl". im the only aspie at my school that i know of but i wish there were more. i do have about 7 people that i generally hang out with everyday at school but most of my friends are going off to high school this year. i have one really clingy friend (i really dislike clingy people) who i really want to let go of and i just want her to go away. i have been coaching my social skills ever since i was 6 and some people cant tell if i am asbergian or neurotypical and i dont know if thats a good thing.

what other kind of shenanigans can i get into?


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27 Aug 2009, 1:07 pm

I do, but not NT social, i have something about 8 friends, 4 nt's and 3 aspies, i could have had 4 aspie friends, but i declined him, i will abandon one my aspie friends soon.


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27 Aug 2009, 11:56 pm

I do have a social life, but sometimes I just need breaks from other people every now and then. It's not as active like some other people's social lives, but I'm fine with it. :)

What I REALLY would like is to find people that actually go through the same things I go through, the social awkwardness and such. It's really embarrassing and lonesome to feel like no one REALLY and PERSONALLY understands what you are going through.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Aug 2009, 4:57 pm

Not at all

But that's ok.... my experiences with humans have been bad :/
I'd like to find a friend who was in the same mental disposition as myself

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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05 Sep 2009, 8:07 pm

Not really what anyone would probably consider a social life, I mostly talk to people online. I enjoy talking to people occasionally but like I've mentioned in other threads thinking and talking are so similar to me in terms of satisfaction, and thinking to me is like communicating with myself. I tend to find lots of things people say unnecessary. And I am terrible at responding fast and witty with comments. Sometimes I get these mental blocks and cannot answer very obvious questions, like names of people that I should know.

In my pre-teen days I had numerous friends, I'm not sure how I got them all, I believe it was mostly due to the fact that my mom knew kid's parents and would often invite them over for birthdays and such, but then again I can remember knowing those kids well at school too, so I must have took some part in it. Also one of my friends was very outgoing and we kind of had a group going, like a pretty big circle of friends. Can remember my two best friends hating each other throughout elementary.

Then again I don't really desire friendship so much, I sometimes feel a bit cold to people as in like I am coming off as not wanting to talk to them. My thoughts are always racing about some plan of mine or an idea too busy to want to communicate with anyone around me.