I have three views on Sex at the moment.
First View:
FieryGatoh wrote:
I must be abnormal then, since I look on the idea with complete and utter disdain
Besides, I would prefer not to get any deadly diseases like AIDS.
In most cases, I absolutely hate the idea. I hear of people boasting about sex every day, yet I am repulsed at the idea. If I see anything with any form of explicit content in, I always look away. I complain about such things afterwards and make it well known to my friends that I am not that type of lovey-dovey person that likes these things. If people flirt, I say "No" and promptly avoid them. This is, quite basically, my School Mindset.
Second View:
Iuri wrote:
Zeek wrote:
I have not yet and for the time being and I'm thinking of waiting until married. Or at least until I've been in a serious relationship for a long time. Of course I'm not going to pressure my partner or anything, I'd probably be too scared to ask and they'd have to initiate it.
I completely agree with you, Zeek. And I think society really pressures us teenagers to make sex. My classmates made me think that I
had to have a girlfriend just because every other boy had one. They only wanted to see the nerd saying those romantic things unsuccesfully for a girl.
Due to my failures on trying to have a romantic relationship, I have no urge for this moment.
Agreed. However, I have never been in any sort of relationship. I'd like to ask, ofcourse, but cannot find the words nor the means to do so - they won't ask me, and there's at least a 90% chance they'd say "No".Even then, I'm often called "The Love Guru" by a few friends because I know how to non-sexually gain a person's favour via dating (And by that, I mean the common advice of chocolates and flowers while wearing one of those old-fashioned suits. Nothing original or new).
That was slightly off-topic. Anyway, back to this view. This is pretty much my true ideas on the matter. With the likes of Marriage, Divorce and relationships I have a Catholic's mindset more-or-less, and my opinion is that when you have done such acts then you should never do so with another person. Therefore, at the very least I would do it when married. However, odds are I will get married then spend a year or so without doing anything so I know I can trust the person.
Third View is, pretty much, the opposite of the first view. We all have times when we think "What would it actually be like to have sex?". Heck, I have these times, and it's mostly curiosity and hormones more than anything that combine and make you think of it. Ofcourse, for me, it has never led to anything whatsoever. Yet, during these times, I tend to read non-sexual things about sexual orientation on the internet and compare it to my own life. For example, they say that at the age of 5-7 children should want to play games like "Doctor" to find out about their body. I never did. they say that at 10-12 they should most likely be having their first relationship with their preferred gender. I never did. I honestly can't really think of anything I have done involving sexuality other than going through puberty (Which I still am), really.