Tiggurix wrote:
Pride is a vice.
And really, we're like all other human beings, except for a few (admittedly important) differences. I don't really see any reason to celebrate those differences.
We are here and we are the way we are. That is reason enough to celebrate (or not, depending on your point of view).
Well, that's what I've been trying to say, but some Aspies on here seem to think that NTs are all different in every way and act in a certain way, and Aspies are impaired and weird and completely different, and act in another certain way. It's all stupid. AS is just a NL disability at the end of the day, and I know I could do without all these anxieties, but I'm still able to work, get married, have children, ect. Anyway, when I eventually get some help and CBT, this might help me, because all I want to do is talk to a social-worker about all these anxieties, and I just know that some help is better than none at all.
I'm not proud, and there are things what make me wish I didn't have it, and I do wish I was NT because I can't get over how the whole of my dad's side are very socially confident, and my mum's side are quite shy people but aren't on the spectrum, and I'm the one who suffers. I think if I didn't have such a big family full of NTs, I might accept my AS more. Or if AS meant only just a few social problems and that was it (no meltdowns, no odd thinking, no anger, no anxieties, no difficulties with routine change, no obsessions, no sensory issues). But it ain't even the main part of it (the social difficulties) what is affecting my life - it's everything else what is.
It's just been bothering me for years.
Last edited by Joe90 on 29 Dec 2010, 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.