HarraArial wrote:
I CAN be aggressive, however, considering there is the double-standard that girls aren't allowed to be aggressive, I can't really vent it anywhere.
I get a lot done fencing with sticks with some of my classmates though. ((And if I'm lucky, I'm fighting someone who actually hits hard and tries, I've scared off too many men who were either thinking I wasa wimp, or didn't want to hurt me.)) I'm not physically strong, but I can be vicious if I want to, especially with sticks, I can beat and abuse someone with sticks, weather they're armed or not.
I know just how you feel. It's hard to be an agressive girl without becoming an outcast (too late for me anyway, lol). It's really good that you've found an outlet that's at least a little constructive. My best friends (who's a guy) refuses to really fight me, even though he's kind of a wimp. Has anyone here ever resorted to psychological relational agression?
Btw, playing dodgeball helps a lot, especially if you're a long-range weapon kind of girl.