So, um.
I don't really have a social life. Whenever I find a best friend, we have some kind of falling-out, then make up, then the friend has to move away or go to another school. I've never been in a romantic relationship, and I would have no idea how to handle one. I spend most of my time in my room with the lights off and the windows closed, and I rarely go outside unless I have to. I haven't been swimming in ages because I have body image issues that I'm aware are highly irrational, and I have poor personal hygiene. I never start a conversation, and when I talk to people, I'm incredibly awkward. I know about more than the lives of fictional characters than those of the people I know. And whenever I start to feel bad about any of this, I make myself stop thinking about it by reminding myself that in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all and no one really cares about it.
I'm actually very satisfied with my life. I'm doing the things that I like, everyone's very nice to me, and my social life on various forums seems to make up for my lack of one in the three-dimensional world. I'm a very smart girl in a stable and loving household with no financial problems. There are issues in my life that would make most teenage girls have a breakdown, but the way I see it, I'm doing just fine.
So, to drop the title of this thread: is it weird that I'm happy?