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Sea Gull
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01 Sep 2011, 1:09 pm

I have computer parts and screwdrivers laying all over, my desk is covered in bottle caps (I turn the bottles in for my 10 cents), and there are clothes on the floor.

Also a large collection of empty coffee cups...


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02 Sep 2011, 5:27 am

It used to be a mess! There were vinyls all over my floor along with trash, school papers, clothes and books. I cleaned it up before I went back to school in Jan.

Blue Jay
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07 Sep 2011, 9:18 am

First of all im not aloud to eat in my room so i dont have any dishes or anything in there and even if i was aloud i probably wouldnt anyway im very strict with myself and rules. 2nd my room is perfect. It is clean. neat and in order. Everything matches in the way it is lined up and sitting. I cant stand things being on my floor so all my clothes are in my cupboard and when i go to bed the clothes i am going to wear the next day are folded neatly on top of a storage thing. In winter i find it to cold to sleep in my own room so i sleep in another bit of the house that is more cozy but it is a mess. Most of it isnt my stuff so i find it hard to control the mess but i do find my clothes just dumped on a table in that room and not put away or folded. Sometimes even dirty ones! But when i am in control my room looks like no one is living in it because its that clean.


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14 Sep 2011, 9:12 pm

my room is almost always a mess... (which people find strange since I'm OCD and a perfectionist, lol)
It's not that I just don't want to, it's this reason in the back of my mind where I just don't know where to start. And I hold on to things, so I have too much stuff.

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23 Jan 2012, 8:11 pm

Awful, but the mess is balanced with the splatter paint walls of my room. Kind of like bthe mess has a purpose. Jk, I should probably clean my room soon.

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23 Jan 2012, 8:16 pm

I like to keep my room clean and organised. I get depressed when I don't keep up with it.

Snowy Owl
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24 Jan 2012, 2:48 pm

The more chaotic my room is, the less likely people are to intrude.

Tufted Titmouse
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09 Feb 2012, 10:33 am

MissMew wrote:
my room is almost always a mess... (which people find strange since I'm OCD and a perfectionist, lol)
It's not that I just don't want to, it's this reason in the back of my mind where I just don't know where to start. And I hold on to things, so I have too much stuff.

Actually that description is quite common. I am in a constant struggle with housekeeping. I am horrible. I also hold on to stuff. I have done a lot of reading and scouring internet forums on this topic. There are so many people who struggle with keeping a clean house and describe themselves just as you. In fact the perfectionism and not knowing where to start is probably the top factor with those who struggle with keeping things tidy. It's good at age 18 you are aware of this. Knowing the reasoning behind it is the starting point for fixing it, or at least dealing with it. :D I was in my 30s before I came to the realization you have already made.


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25 Feb 2012, 3:11 am

Lol mine sounds even more of a nightmare compared to all these rooms. I actually got motivated to clean mine two days ago and plan to carry it on until this is sorted. I've got a desk with an old battered Windows 98 computer on it still o.O The desk is junked up with anything and everything. All my clothes are everywhere piled up. My biggest problem is the fact I got into a really bad routine of eating in my room and instead of using a bin for the rubbish, I used my floor and no joke, the pile ended up well over 4 and a half foot. I'm sleeping on a broken bed and have been for coming up a year because it's been too awkward to get it out my room and get a new one in. My shelves on the wall haven't been properly fixed on yet and it's been like that since early 2000s. I know there's old coke bottles behind a load of mess and I haven't had coke since around 2007 or so. My room isn't a room at all but it is feeling good to get this sorted. Just leaves the problem of getting out of this bad routine once it is sorted :roll:

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27 Feb 2012, 12:11 am

Slim-Jim wrappers everywhere, and none of them to eat.

Blue Jay
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27 Feb 2012, 12:33 am

I loooooove cleaning, sorting, organising so, no, my room is neat and tidy. it's almost OCDish tidy. The broom is my best friend :D


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04 Mar 2012, 11:14 am

My room is also a big mess. But I have been working on it a lot and it's getting better. :D


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04 Mar 2012, 2:48 pm

My room looks like hurricane Katrina struck it. That's only because I share a room with my NT little sister who not only has bad cleaning habits but also has terrible hygiene. I'm such a neat freak, but my mom lets ,y sistr get away with not cleaning our room, and she whines if I put something of hers in the wrong spot.


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04 Mar 2012, 3:41 pm

I rarely even go to my room. The only thing I use my room for is sleeping and getting dressed. I imagine my room would be unbearably messy if I did my homework in there too.

If it doesn't make sense, it's probably a Team Fortress 2 reference.


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04 Mar 2012, 4:12 pm

My room is a train wreck on a good day :lol:

Tufted Titmouse
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02 Jun 2012, 9:49 pm

I'm pretty sure my room is worse. I only cleaned it once in the last 6-7 years. You can barely see the floor. I once found an old lightbulb on the floor (by stepping on it).

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