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07 Jan 2012, 5:44 pm

I think I might have AS...

Ignore the next bit if you don't like 'Do you think I have AS?' threads.

I used to tip-toe walk all the time, I had poor gross motor control skills when I was younger according to my Reception report, I walked really weirdly until recently and used to get teased for it, I arranged everything - contents of the fridge, Christmas presents under the tree, Christmas presents once they were opened instead of playing with them, stuff on my desk (still do that actually) - just because it was fun, it feels weird looking people in the eye - I'm like Flint in that bit in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs where he can't look his dad in the eye :P - but I'm getting better at it now, I'm really good at maths and I teach myself it at A Level, I get obsessed with stuff and need to know everything about it, I don't have many good friends, I have a monotonous voice, I get really annoyed when I ask a question and people think I mean something else, I have this weird nighttime routine of closing doors and making sure windows are closed and get annoyed if I can't complete it, my food has to be separate on my plate, and I get really annoyed when people move stuff about in my room.

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...but I fear that if I tell my parents this they'll think I'm over-reacting or over-analysing stuff. How could I ask them about it? Also, I'm 18 now so if I wanted to talk to someone about finding out if I did have it or not, who would I talk to? (I'm in the UK, btw.)

Last edited by cooliolio on 07 Jan 2012, 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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07 Jan 2012, 5:52 pm

Wouldn't hurt to tell your parents your suspicions. I do it all the time.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Jan 2012, 5:59 pm

I'm in the same position as you, just a few years younger. I know in the UK you get officially diagnosed by talking to your GP, he'll then reference you to specialists etc. As for telling your parents, I guess it depends on your relationship with them..


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07 Jan 2012, 6:08 pm

catatonix wrote:
I'm in the same position as you, just a few years younger. I know in the UK you get officially diagnosed by talking to your GP, he'll then reference you to specialists etc. As for telling your parents, I guess it depends on your relationship with them..

I don't argue with them much and I get on quite well with them, but I don't really talk to them about my feelings. They always get at me for over-analysing things and I think if I told them they'd think I was doing so.


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07 Jan 2012, 6:15 pm

Say, "Hi, mom and dad [or mom and mom or dad and dad or mom and mom and dad or any other combination you may have]. I think I might have Asperger's Syndrome."

Then explain to them what it is and why you think you have it. Do it like you would in a research paper or an essay.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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07 Jan 2012, 6:30 pm

Well the way I have planned is this:

I made USB stick of all the arguments and counter arguments of me having AS. Most of which was done by looking at a list of symptoms and splitting them into two groups, those I have and those I don't. When looking at the file is seemed clear that I had AS and at the bare minimun should get a Diagnosis.

If you do feel comfortable talking to your parents, maybe just say it rather than showing on a screen or piece of paper, though I highly recommend some form of evidence. People who I have told without this "proof" have usually assumed I was just being my odd self ("He have made it to this age without being Diagnosed, he must be wrong.")

However you tell them, good luck


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07 Jan 2012, 8:42 pm

diniesaur wrote:
[or mom and mom or dad and dad or mom and mom and dad or any other combination you may have].

Oops! I can't believe I forgot genderqueer parents, especially since I'm not male or female!

:oops: Sorry--I can't help myself!


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07 Jan 2012, 9:14 pm

You might feel that you have to tell them, but not necessarily so. Evaluate pros and cons beforehand and decide on whether they would understand you. I was dxd when I was 20 and not planning on telling anyone so far. I feel better this way, going through all this awkward explanation phase would stress me out - and still I am unsure on whether they would understand what high functioning autism is. I've never been close to them so I think it's only natural that things go this way.

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08 Jan 2012, 5:33 am

Just tell them, and if they are the kind of parents that laugh at everything you say (like mine) then look them straight in the eye (that always throws them off) and ask what's SO DAMN FUNNY!! !... ahem.

You should also present to your parents the latest article on the home page of WP (If you think it describes you. The one about Intense World Hypothesis... Something like that)

There's got to be a God somewhere, someone who cares. I stay on bended knee and hope the Father answers prayers.


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08 Jan 2012, 9:06 am

diniesaur wrote:
Say, "Hi, mom and dad [or mom and mom or dad and dad or mom and mom and dad or any other combination you may have]. I think I might have Asperger's Syndrome."

Then explain to them what it is and why you think you have it. Do it like you would in a research paper or an essay.

Yeah my mum knows about it anyway as she works as a classroom assistant for people with special needs. I'm not sure what I'll do. Hmm. I might just mention it to my GP as I'm going to go sometime anyway as my toe clicks all the time and sometimes it's quite sore (my parents think this is from all the tip toe walking I did when I was smaller which might be a good way to start the conversation as apparently it's an early sign of Asperger's/autism). Hmm.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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05 Jul 2012, 11:01 am

catatonix wrote:
I'm in the same position as you, just a few years younger. I know in the UK you get officially diagnosed by talking to your GP, he'll then reference you to specialists etc. As for telling your parents, I guess it depends on your relationship with them..

Same here. I have thought i have AS for almost three years now and still can't tell my parents. My parent's are older than the average age of parents for my age group (yes i checked), and sometimes their views on things can be different. I also think my parents will say i am overreacting or something. Plus my mum will then panic about it and get stressed and i'm not good at dealing with other people when they are angry/stressed/frustrated/etc.


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08 Jul 2012, 5:37 pm

It's the same for me. I've tried telling my mom before, but then she'd get mad and say something along the lines of, "NO YOU DON'T! YOU'RE NORMAL! THOSE PEOPLE ARE DISEASED ret*ds!"
So apparently if I do have Asperger's, I'm a "diseased ret*d". Some logic. :x

If it doesn't make sense, it's probably a Team Fortress 2 reference.

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09 Jul 2012, 9:01 am

My mom yells at me for hours when I bring up Asperger's, she thinks I label myself. I want to go to the doctor but she never has time and won't talk about it. I went through the guidance counselor but it med he raven more mad. If I talk to her about anything I get yelled at for something, please help me.

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19 Jul 2012, 6:41 pm

I'm going through the same thing (except in the US), and it's annoying. My mom keeps telling me not to label myself and that I'm fine and that it's teenage awkwardness, although she does listen. I don't want to talk to a school guidance counselor for fear that I'll be put in a special class or something (my school is not understanding to mild cases such as this; to them it's all or nothing).

Anyway, telling your parents will probably be helpful. Honestly, letting someone know feels good and it really can't hurt. Hope that helped!

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20 Jul 2012, 2:18 am

First of all, I live in the US, and second of all, I've tried to tell myvparents and guidance counselor, and they've all said I'm being who I am, or in the case of my Mother, saying I'm obsessed. It doesn't matter, I'm just the outcast to everyone, the one you only want to talk to if you need help in class.

Emu Egg
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20 Jul 2012, 2:19 am

First of all, I live in the US, and second of all, I've tried to tell myvparents and guidance counselor, and they've all said I'm being who I am, or in the case of my Mother, saying I'm obsessed. It doesn't matter, I'm just the outcast to everyone, the one you only want to talk to if you need help in class.