For those of you who don't know, I don't have a formal diagnosis, but I'm kind of at that '99% sure I have Asperger's' stage. Just waiting for an assessment. I meet quite a lot of the criteria, particularly struggling with reading social cues and understanding peoples 'boundaries', obsessing over things, overstimulation with sound and having trouble with certain textures.
I have a younger sister who is fifteen years old (I'm eighteen). She can be quite blunt and a bit rude at times, and I am very sensitive. She's made it clear to me over and over that she doesn't believe that I have any problem at all. She thinks I'm claiming 'overstimulation' to avoid spending time out in the living room with her ENTIRE soccer team, which is about ten loud teens too many for me. She says I'm claiming texture issues to avoid folding laundry. She hates everything that I love to talk about and am interested in. I feel like she hates me for not being 'normal'.
Does anyone else have this problem? If so, how do you deal with it?