I am definitely not a fashion person. I always used to dress like a right tomboy, up until I was about 14. I am not girly now, but I just suddenly thought, "I'm not sure I want to be wearing loose t-shirs and tracksuit bottoms!" I have never dressed like everyone else, any groups, etc. Like the fashion with girls recently is long tops, long necklaces, pumps...I don't wear any of that stuff. I wouldn't feel myself in those clothes, I'd be uncomfortable.
I tend to wear things that reflect my personality, or that seem more practical and comfortable, as opposed to fashionable. I either wear jeans or combats, and t-shirts, vest tops, long-sleeved t-shirts and hooded tops. Didn't want to say hoodies, just reminds me of chavs, which I am NOT! And trainers...all the time. In the summer I might wear flip-flop/sandal-type shoes, but I still don't feel 100% comfortable in them.
I have recently bought some t-shirts off a store online, where you can put phrases or TV related things on. I have a red t-shirt with a Dalek on, a long-sleeved white and red top with K-9 on, a blue one with the TARDIS on and a pink one with a Scrabble design, with the words "Theme parks" and "Thrill seeker" on. Very different from fashion! But I don't care, I love them!