Ok, so you know I have Asperger's syndrome, but that first affected me hard when I was little. Ever since, I've had an interest for only some things instead of more, and this was at the time when my parents were fighting SO HARD for my brain. So hard. I wasn't really like any other kid in my elementary school until like 3rd grade, since before that they were looking down on me for the things I said and did as "weird", when to me I thought it was OK. I was like that for as long as they were fighting hard for my brain. I'm now in seventh grade, and still living and fighting for myself with some of my parents' support. Everyone in my class had their own broad interest ranges, and some were OBSESSED with Pokémon, when I just, plain out, didn't like it. I didn't really know what it was, and I didn't really broaden my interest range to contain it until 3rd grade. I've never really had any real experience with toys at a young age, and now I can't build my foundation of interests without a base that I missed my opportunity to fill. I always think about this: Will it benefit me in the long run, or end up in the trash like all the other stuff I had? I don't really keep track of my stuff. What ever happens to it is fate's decision. It always happens to me. Ever since I became more aware of the world, I found out about electronics and grew up alongside with them. I learned about software and smartphones, and as I grew up, I outgrew a ton of toys I would have wanted, but forgot about. And now, as a teen, as a result, I only have an interest for stuff electronic-related, and outgrew a TON of toys that I wanted in the past, and if I was ever to be seen with the toys I wanted, people would see me as a little kid, which I DIDN'T want, but what I DID want to lead was a social life, as I didn't really have any friends and led a solitary life when I was younger. I still like to do things alone. I'm just oriented that way, due to my Asperger's, but now I'm more social with the world around me than I was before. But my interest range still remains very narrow, even now, and I want to broaden it more.