Anarcho-communism, stateless community level governance and sharing of resources.
As a software developer, I'm not sure I trust computers to run the world. Well okay, the first question would be.... who programs it? Who brings it to life in the first place? Even if it is capable of advanced learning, someone would have still had to write the foundational code to start that process. And when there are (inevitably) bugs, who fixes it? Is it self-fixing?
Ugh I know that feel when WP trolls you. Happened to me a few times. Feel free to elaborate!
I would say that the programming process would be like how the constitution was made. Multiple like minded individuals who learn from the past mistakes of past civilization program into the computer basic fundamentals. These fundamentals wont be morally based but be based on efficiency. Efficiency would be what the computer is programmed to achieve. The actual knowledge the machine would have wont be programmed into it though because of the fact that the knowledge it gains would be biased. Instead its learning process would be a more advance form of the way how WATSON learns. Instead of gaining the material for knowledge itself, it would actually gain the knowledge from its own citizens. When the citizen learns the Computer learns as well. It would also gain knowledge on the web as well when seen to be fit. Yes it would be self-fixing because the computer would be programmed to (after analyzing a situation) see that the desired effect did not happen it would actually change its programming that was flawed for a more efficient one. The computer would be in every citizens lives even before birth. The computer would be like the Queen in an insect nest with music as its pheromones. Every citizen would be directly linked to the computer and able to access all truth based on facts. Pure un-biased truth. Every citizen as well will have nano machines in their body even when being formed in the womb so the computer could manipulate their biology as well. Reason why is to make citizens (who would also be evolutionary Superior because the computer would only allow citizens with desirable genes to get offspring, think of it like a dog breeder) Ideal for the jobs they were born for. The change wouldn't be physical but actually neurological A.K.A artificial autistic designed to excel at his assigned work and nothing more. The culture would be a mix of WWII and Knight era with a futuristic flair (Think of Fallout with knights and chivalry and that's what im going for). Our military would be a shining example for "Quality over Quantity" because although being very small, due to augmentation and connection with the quantum computer our military will destroy all others simply due to the %99.99999999999999 accuracy of the computer predictions and as well because of our soldiers sheer un-empathetic savagery in battle (Remember artificial Autistic!). Religion would no more believe in the God that is not in the physical realm but believe in God more scientifically by believing that he IS physical BUT he is on a higher plain of existence. The same plain where the computer does its calculations. (Some of you may ask why religion? Its because it is VERY efficient for a soldier to believe when he gets killed he goes to a better place than he believes his existence would dissaper for ever) This new religion of quantum theory would not inhibit scientific advances(like how many religions do now) It would actually push for scientific advances for it would see lack of knowledge as inefficiency and inefficiency as sin. And finally my Utopia would be able to transfer a person's very soul up to machine enabling the person to use the machine exactly how one would use the body (Think of evangelion if you don't understand, or remember the body is just the vessel for the soul why can't the soul have more than one?) Yea i would really would like to know what you guys think on this if you still don't understand my utopia think of the quantum computer in Alien Encounters, slight Borg from Star-trek, or more accurately, the Supremacy affinity in Sid Myers Civilization Beyond Earth.
This is your utopia?! A hive-mind consisting of a deified computer and its human mind-slaves, based solely on functionality? How immoral would it be if all 'weak' humans were eliminated from the face of the earth, because they are not 'efficient' enough! A utopia with mindless, spartan-like warriors who slaughter without mercy? Seriously?
This social-Darwinistic-ish idea of yours would cause uncountable horrors and gigantic misery for all but an 'efficient' elite. Besides, wouldn't these 'lucky few' lose their value as human beings, if they were modified from conception onwards to become an elite fighting-machine?
That you wouldn't call this a distopia, I haven't got the faintest clue about.
I hope that true Utopia is never achieved. The Utopian ideal seems to require totalitarian government over a completely submissive citizenry. Only in this way can there be no crime, no poverty, no wealth, and no need for money at all. The State decides where you live, with whom you will produce children, where you work, and what kind of work you do to support the Utopian State.
There can be no dissent in any of this, because the State will also decide IF you produce offspring and IF you get to live on a second-to-second basis. Any sign of dissent would have to be dealt with swiftly and severely, because all that matters is the continuation of the State and the State-enforced status-quo. Penalties for dissent might range from medication to lobotomy to execution.
Individual identity would, by necessity, be squashed; and only group identity would matter. In fact, the only really significant identity would be that of State Property, because only the State would matter.
How would you be able to enjoy Utopia if your very sense of self would be virtually non-existent?
No Utopia for me!
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There can be no dissent in any of this, because the State will also decide IF you produce offspring and IF you get to live on a second-to-second basis. Any sign of dissent would have to be dealt with swiftly and severely, because all that matters is the continuation of the State and the State-enforced status-quo. Penalties for dissent might range from medication to lobotomy to execution.
Individual identity would, by necessity, be squashed; and only group identity would matter. In fact, the only really significant identity would be that of State Property, because only the State would matter.
How would you be able to enjoy Utopia if your very sense of self would be virtually non-existent?
No Utopia for me!
This. I don't want a utopia either, as I don't want a totalitarian regime running my life and everyone else's. I'm an individualist, I want to be my own person, and do my own thing. Besides, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, so if one small group had absolute power over the entire planet, which would be necessary for a "utopia", they would end up screwing the whole thing up, and we'd be worse off than we are now. Look at the former Soviet Union, they had an idealistic vision of a perfect communist society, and the higher-ups were so corrupt that the whole thing just went to hell.
What would my ideal society be? A democratic socialist-libertarian regime with complete transparency, where all government officials are elected, and citizens are able to closely scrutinize the government's behavior, to ensure they aren't making any shady deals or doing anything else like that. It should be a government that fears and serves its citizens, not the other way around.
As Cormac McCarthy states it best:
There's no such thing as life without bloodshed. I think the notion that the species can be improved in some way, that everyone could live in harmony, is a really dangerous idea. Those who are afflicted with this notion are the first ones to give up their souls, their freedom. Your desire that it be that way will enslave you and make your life vacuous.
This social-Darwinistic-ish idea of yours would cause uncountable horrors and gigantic misery for all but an 'efficient' elite. Besides, wouldn't these 'lucky few' lose their value as human beings, if they were modified from conception onwards to become an elite fighting-machine?
That you wouldn't call this a distopia, I haven't got the faintest clue about.
How exactly are the citizens are mind slaves to the computer? If you didnt read that part i said that the reationship would be like a insect queen and her subjects. As far as I see the insects arnt mind-slaves for they can do anything hey want but they CHOOSE to serve the queen because they instinctive realize that without the queen they wont function. They woudnt be any "weak" humans becuase #1 That is horribly inefficient to have a weak human being take up space in the womb where a stronger human could. #2 Because of that horrible Ineffeciantcy the computer would genetically modify citizens DNA to fit thie role in the Utopia (remember artificial aspie?) and as well assign compatible partners to its citizens (Since the population would consist of mostly aspies this would be a GOD SEND). You continue misreading my post when did i say there were mind-less? Sure they may be emotionless but that dosent make them mind-less just look at the vulcans! And yes spartan-like i find that a complement. Slaughter without mercy? Dude this is WAR if you dont be as savage, effeciant, and unemotional as a computer then you wont win thats basic knowlege. Plus there are just following oders its not like theyll turn back to the utopia and do the same there no. There like a pack of trained animals (I use this in a good way) They dont attack the master but best believe that they would destroy anything in the masters way. If you STILL belive this is not right then your a delusional pacifist. Really uncountable horrors and misery? Dude dont compare this Utopia to all pass false "Utopias" You know why? What does all those immoral goverments you know have in common? Still dont know? Ill tell you. THERE RUN MY HUMANS! Absolute power corrupts absolutely except in cases where the thing that has all the power has nothing to corrupt at all. Humanity is like a alcoholic Gepetto, where amazingly gifted to create tools to solve are problems but were to uninterested to pursue those tools and were to incompetent to do anything else except tool makeing. Lucky Few? Dude think for a moment would a computer based on effeciantcy actually allow thousands of wombs to be occupied by citizens who are not fucioning in the Utiopia? Of Corse not! So those so called "Lucky few" are non existent because EVERYONE would be made for effeciantcy. Lose thier value? Let me ask you a question. Does a driver lose his value if he tunes his car to beat all others? No of corse not acutally the exact oppisite happnes he becomes PROUD! The human body is nothing more than just a vessel for the inner .EXE A.K.A the soul. You can do what ever you want to the body but you cant change the soul. He wont lose his value because his value IS HIS SOUL not his body. Please before you want to put down someone for thier ideas think on what thier saying and think a couple of days on it (Why you think it took me so long to respond?) if not it makes you look like an ass
Dear FenrirxGamr98,
I'm sorry, I do realize now that I made a lot of assumptions about your utopia. I also realize that I originally overreacted. As such, let me rephrase my original post:
You said that the citizens would be genetically altered to be as efficient as possible at their job, which is certainly not a bad thing, but that would also imply that they may be psychologically altered (I read your statement about the unaltered soul, but I, when writing my first post, assumed that the mind would also be changed ); people most also like their jobs to be efficient, so some, e.g cleaners would have to be made to like their work (I assume cleaners don't very much like their occupations). In this way, human minds would be altered to serve the state , therefore becoming a sort of mind-slaves.
I thought this would also lead to loss of individuality, because the nano-computer might decide that many non-altruistic characteristics are obsolete and make us purely altruistic. I feared that in such a ant-like society, people would become production-units without personality and therefore lose their individuality and intrinsic value.
Furthermore, to establish such a society, you wrote that embryo's would be genetically altered. But how would the state deal with those already alive? To build this civilization, those opposed to the idea and those that would be deemed unefficient, would have to be dealt with. I thought that would lead to the killing and banishing of those that are unfit. This is why I wrote about (in a quite overreacted way) 'uncountable horrors and gigantic misery' and about the 'lucky few' that would survive such an ordeal.
Lastly, why would I be a disillusioned pacifist if I'm opposed to the idea of artificial autistic warriors? The world is generally becoming more peaceful and I don't see why this state would need such an effective, savage army.
In short, I'm sorry about my original post and I hope I've made myself clear.
With Regards,