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Do you think that some people actually deserve to be bullied?
Yes 9%  9%  [ 32 ]
Yes 9%  9%  [ 32 ]
Maybe 4%  4%  [ 15 ]
Maybe 4%  4%  [ 15 ]
No 25%  25%  [ 87 ]
No 25%  25%  [ 87 ]
Judging from your examples, yes. 4%  4%  [ 15 ]
Judging from your examples, yes. 4%  4%  [ 15 ]
You're being unfair to the people in your examples 7%  7%  [ 23 ]
You're being unfair to the people in your examples 7%  7%  [ 23 ]
Total votes : 344


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14 Nov 2013, 5:18 pm

Yupa wrote:
Please don't adress me by my name, real name or screenname. I won't stand for that. fyi, I see that as a form of bullying.

You're on an internet forum, if we need to get your attention we will call you by your screenname.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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14 Nov 2013, 8:48 pm

This is pretty ridiculous.

The idea that people need correction is one thing. Bullying is another entirely. Do not pretend that they are the same thing.

Do you really think that people listen to something just because you think they should? Do you think that hurting them is the best way to solve that?

If you believe in diversity and acceptance you should practice what you preach. I do not agree with people who are racists and homophobes but that absolutely does not mean I believe they don't have the right to exist and live good lives with basic human rights. I believe in rights for all people. That includes racists and homophobes. All people means all people and NOT just people I agree with.

If you don't like your online name, change it. My name isn't Sono but if you pick a name you should expect to be called by it. If you don't like what you picked, find a way to change it. I'm sure you could work something out. Saying people are bullying you by calling you a name that you chose makes no sense.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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04 Jan 2020, 8:15 pm

People who bully me think i deserve to be bullied. They hate my guts.

I live in a rural area in a developing country, n the people here dont really know abt autistic spectrum disorders. All they know is that im weird n annoying, therefore deserve to be bullied relentlessly. Whilst I agree that im weird n my ritualistic behaviors are annoying, i dont think i deserve to be bullied. I cant change myself n i didnt ask to be born aspie either. At this rate id either go crazy, or kill myself. Im trying to be strong n rise above them tho. Be the bigger person n take the high road. N just let God avenge me. So i dont turn into a bitter n vengeful person. Whilst also trying to stay afloat, not be too depressed n kill myself. 'Just bc im weird doesnt mean they are entitled to bully me. Just bc im annoying for some people doesnt mean i hv to die. I deserve to live too.' N 'Its ok, karma will get them soon.' are my mantra nowadays. But God, its really hard. Idk how much longer i can hold on.

Last edited by princess_elena on 04 Jan 2020, 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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04 Jan 2020, 8:30 pm

I am pretty sure lot of people feel this way but everyone as their own stardards on who deserves to be bullied. For me I believe if you are a bad person because you are a predator for example, you deserve anything that you get. People like Jessica Yaniv for example deserve it all.

But where do we draw the line for who deserves it, there are people that think those who "choose" to be different and "choose" to be weird deserve it all. This could apply to us and to anyone with social anxiety, PTSD, those who are introverted, those who just happen to have different interests and choose to not confirm to the majority interests.

People may also believe those who have a lifestyle they don't agree with and it's not hurting anyone, people may think they deserve to be bullied. I am talking about NSFW.

People may also think SJWs deserve it and fat activists and think those who they believe are Nazis and bigots.

It doesn't surprise me if I see any bullies be against bullying because they have their own beliefs on who deserves it but think everyone else doesn't deserve it.

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22 Jan 2021, 4:06 pm

Yupa wrote:
Yes, well I acknowledge that bullying isn't nice, I've known a couple people who actually -did- deserve it. Case profiles? Let me provide two:

"John". Always talked about drugs and violence in class. If he wasn't threatening someone or bragging about his supposed mastery of the martial arts, he was making lame drug cracks at inopportune moments. It was pretty easy to guess that he had drugs on his brain.
If he saw a jar of salt he would say "That's cocaine" and he liked calling everyone a crackhead or pothead.
As for his love of violence, I once showed the class a picture I'd drawn in my spare time and said "Isn't this guy cool?"
And John said, "no, he's a dork. I want to beat the sh-t out of him."
He was verbally bullied by his peers, and he completely deserved it.

"Nick". Another classmate of mine. One of the most unhygienic ogres on the face of the planet. I call him an ogre because it'd be disgraceful to give him "human" status. He never bathed, never washed his underarms, never combed his hair, never wore underwear, always wore pants that kept sagging down almost past his waist in class, and once he wore a pair that was so big they fell down past his knees and everyone caught a glimpse of his privates. And you know what that little creep did? He -laughed- about it!
He also had a huge temper. He liked to throw stuff at people in class, and when someone tried to send him to the principal's office, if he didn't make some outlandish death threat, he would explode into a fit of 'WAAAAAAAAAAAH!! ! ! I WANT MY MOMMY!! !" or yell the F-word at the top of his lungs several times.
When he wasn't angry he was flapping his arms around and giggling through his hideous, gap-toothed grin.
He was a homophobe and a racist. Some of the stuff he said about gays, and some of the stuff he said about blacks or Asians, really, really annoyed me. It took effort not to sink to his level and punch him in his bug, puffy nose.
He was the very image of a big, pale, puffy monster and liked coming up with lame, half-baked excuses for his personality, like "My parents are divorced," "Mom never said I had to,"
"You're just mean to me because you're a big fat f--!" etc.
He was verbally and sometimes physically bullied, but I have to say he -definitely- earned it.

I think that no one deserves mistreatment however people who do not protect themselves psychologically, first and foremost, are vulnerable.
There are ugly bespectacled ginger freckly geeks who spend their time in the library, they do not harm anyone and do not get bullied?
Because they read from early childhood fictional novels about bullying and how it feels to bully and to be bullied and what to do about it. They learn that bullies are cowards and they learn that it is better, if bullied, to fight back and lose than to back down, as the bully will not bother with them again because bullies choose people who don't fight back.
Fiction helps kids get to know the ways of the world, they make friends with the fictional characters and viscerally experience through the characters, nasty horrible events, so they do not have to to through the experiences themselves in actual-factual life.
On the other hand, there are geeks who don't read novels and do not get to know the ways of the world, they do not know that bullies are cowards, they see them as scary, and do not fight back, this attracts the bully to re-victimise them and lays them open for risk of further harm throughout life.
I think the first boy in your post should just be ignored, he isn't funny, bragging about drugs and violence, no one should give him attention, he is an attention seeker.
As for Nick, no one likes odours but name calling isn't fair. He might be hiding depression, people stop bathing and have low self esteem with depression, the lack energy, he probably laughed to hide it.
He sounds like he engages in bullying behaviour, and people should not show fear, he is unhappy otherwise he would not bully. He needs to be stood up to, like for like, if he pushes you, push him back and so forth.
Might he have asperger's, flapping is a sign.
No room for bigotry on race and sexuality, call him out on this stuff.
Don't victimise him if he hasn't hurt you first, but by all means defend yourself against him if he does.
Divorce can be very traumatic for a kid, they often blame themselves and go into a depression and act it out at school.
This is not easy for people with happy parents to see.
I think he deserves justice, not bullying.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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05 Mar 2021, 2:38 pm

i go to an all boys school, there is a ton of bullying. i have been both a victim of bullying and a bully. Honestly i think bullying is a punishment that some boys deserve (don't know about girls, i don't see girls at school). For example i knew a boy who stood with his hands behind his back while another boy punched him 6 times in the stomach and groin. he just stood there screaming in pain didn't try to fight. Sorry but if that boy chooses to lock his arms behind his back instead of fight off the beating then he deserves the beating.


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05 Mar 2021, 4:57 pm

Liam2019 wrote:
i go to an all boys school, there is a ton of bullying. i have been both a victim of bullying and a bully. Honestly i think bullying is a punishment that some boys deserve (don't know about girls, i don't see girls at school). For example i knew a boy who stood with his hands behind his back while another boy punched him 6 times in the stomach and groin. he just stood there screaming in pain didn't try to fight. Sorry but if that boy chooses to lock his arms behind his back instead of fight off the beating then he deserves the beating.

He doesn't fight back because he is scared.
He might be in freeze response mode.
This does not mean he deserves to be bullied.
He should learn how to stick up for himself though.
Maybe he is abused and bullied at home, and does not have the skills to stand up for himself.
Maybe he is depressed, as victims of bullying can get very depressed.
Screaming in pain shows he was clearly distressed.