Naturally, yes. But I feel a lot of insecurity online too. I often feel that I communicate through sharing my opinions too much, I can't keep a conversation going unless I feel "safe" with the person. Just look at my first sentences, lol? Even as I type this, knowing I still do it, I do it. And there we go again.
Do you consider it to be a problem? If it makes you uncomfortable, why do you keep on doing it? Is it because it makes you feel accepted? If that's the case, I'd recommend that you thought about it; using the positive and negative things against each other, one of them will eventually end up dominating.
Having the feeling of being divided like this may very well be a manifestation of joy. I mean, if you feel more accepted online, then it'll probably bring more of a positive thinking, which probably blows kind of a cool wind on the feeling of not being so much accepted in "real-life". Do you see what I mean? If positive events occur, more positive thoughts will emerge.
At the same time, feeling divided may also lead to great stress. Much like a system overload. The outcome will be the result of your capability to think this through and make the better decision. If you believe that you can keep this up after thinking it through, the chances of you actually succeeding in finding comfort in what you do is much greater.
Deep down, many of of us are insecure. We can only plan so much, then comes chance.
Grasp the words I share with utter carefulness, it's only thoughts.