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Do you still play in the snow at this age in your lives
Yes 41%  41%  [ 13 ]
No 22%  22%  [ 7 ]
Never have, Never will 6%  6%  [ 2 ]
Always will be!! YEAAA!! 31%  31%  [ 10 ]
Total votes : 32

Blue Jay
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20 Dec 2009, 10:44 pm

Even though NT's would think at this age you would be too old to play in the snow. I was just wondering if people with Asperger's or other ASD would like to play in the snow at this time in there lives If you do you think you are going to still do it when you are an adult? I'm asking this because we got 20 INCHS OF SNOW this weekend and I do like to still play in the snow. I just think that playing in the snow reminds me when I was younger.


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20 Dec 2009, 11:12 pm

Seeing the snow remindes me of being a child who often played out in it, and I once even ran around the outside of the house barefoot to get a quarter from my dad ... and now the thought of being out in it at all makes me shudder and think about reaching for a Nitro pill!

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20 Dec 2009, 11:14 pm

Never really did play in the snow. Even at school when they had recess I was like "so now what?".

I like using the snow blower, does that count? Now that I drive I find driving in it to be a blast.

I really wish I had a snowmobile to drive around because I'd never get off it, I always used to love riding on one when my grandparents had a pair 12 years ago.

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21 Dec 2009, 4:38 am

Most NTs my age do play with snow, I don't because I hate the feeling of it, and no one else in my family seems too keen either.

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21 Dec 2009, 7:18 am

I don't, I go out and deliver papers. When I get back I no longer want to have anything to do with snow.

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Tufted Titmouse
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21 Dec 2009, 11:08 am

i love snow!!
but maybe it just that where i live there is no snow at all (well, just sometimes)...

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21 Dec 2009, 5:26 pm

nodice1996 wrote:
I don't, I go out and deliver papers. When I get back I no longer want to have anything to do with snow.

Tough job, and I commend your commitment!

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21 Dec 2009, 6:15 pm

What is this "snow?" We do not have this strange phenomenon in San Jose...


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21 Dec 2009, 7:24 pm

I used to many years ago, especially when I was little. I haven't in many years though.

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Tufted Titmouse
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22 Dec 2009, 12:36 am

I have always played in the snow. I will probably drive to the park then walk for a good amount of distance just to play in undisturbed snow. Btw im 19


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23 Dec 2009, 5:03 am

i'm 16 and i made a giant snow man a few days ago it was over 2 meters high... i did that with a friend my girlfriend has made a snowman aswel whitout us knowing of eachother making snowman. so either i hang out with weird folk or its normal to play with snow when you're 16.


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23 Dec 2009, 1:33 pm

i'm 18 and absolutely love playing in the snow!! almost every year me and some of my friends have the most epic snowball fight in history. we have been doing this since the 5th grade and now most of us have graduated from high school and all but two of us are over 18, a couple of us are over 19!

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29 Dec 2009, 6:08 pm

I've never even seen snow, Australia is quite a warm place, to put it mildly.


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30 Dec 2009, 2:20 pm


I mean, it's so CHILDISH...


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30 Dec 2009, 10:55 pm

I do, simply because it's rare in Texas.

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31 Dec 2009, 12:22 am

I don't play in the snow any more but that's because I've never liked snow. However I like cold, and that has always seemed sort of odd seeing as I dislike snow and hate ice.