In my case, it's not that the person seems unreal, it's the friendship that seems unreal. It was not always that way, but the following happened repeatedly:
1. One of us moved, changed schools, classes, whatever, etc.
2. He did not lift a finger to keep in touch or anything - from day 1.
3. I made some effort to stay in touch, but it was always me initiating contact
4. The friendship died.
Alternatively, neither one made any effort to stay in touch. Eventually I switched form thinking of friendship as something valuable and meaningful to the Kleenex box view - friendship doesn't last, is not worth getting emotionally involved in, etc; enjoy it while it lasts, but in the end it's disposable.
I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)
El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)
I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).