Nearly beaten up, please help me deter this.

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03 Jul 2009, 5:39 pm

My son had the same problem on his paper round, and ended up with a concussion after being assaulted. He's been practising his "assertive voice" and stance for future reference (he doesn't do a paper round any more though).

Basically he's been practising the good advice given above, saying in a loud clear voice, "back off," or "don't," or "leave me alone," but not in a scared voice, in a stern voice. He's also been practising karate blocks and deflection techniques. He doesn't believe in violence, and even when physically attacked he's refused to hit back (despite being physically capable of it).

My advice would be to find a friendly person to role play with.

Let us know how it goes.


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05 Jul 2009, 12:55 am

Change your look. No offence but you look like a bully's jackpot. I can't tell what gender you are. Either try and be more like a pretty girl or a tough guy, whichever fits.
I look like a normal (red haired and non-gangster, which are both bad here) kid and no one picks on me because I don't set off their gaydar or dork detecters(much).


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05 Jul 2009, 1:13 am

Seriously, looks are everything for attracting bullies, especially those who don't know you. Don't blame the aspie traits either. I flap my hands and use geek slang in front of delinquents and we still get along. Your looks...I don't know what to say...I want to break your glasses offence.
I'm seriously trying to help. Go punk!
What to fix: Hair, glasses, fat, voice(I'm sure), everything.
It's easy to be an aspie geek and not get picked on(for me).


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05 Jul 2009, 2:22 am

Protest the hero... you realise that you've just told the OP that they're fat, weird looking sexually, and you've speculated that they've got a weird voice, and stupid walk.

In other words, you're the guy in the white transit van calling abuse as you sail past.

You might want to break the OP's glasses, but I want to give you a good telling off and send you to your room. You might be aspie, but that doesn't mean you have to be rude to people. You don't talk to people like that.

To the OP... I also am not certain what gender you are from your photo, but I'm not about to imagine that I know all about you from one avatar. It could just be a picture that you picked because it's generic and not too revealing. You're entitled to that. You're not fat by the way, and there's nothing wrong with wearing glasses.

I'm really disappointed the treatment you've got on this thread, and I hope it doesn't discourage you too much.


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05 Jul 2009, 9:27 am

It just seems like an undeniable fact that when they don't know you, they go based on looks. I'm not being rude. I'm pointing out an obvious true cause for abuse.


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06 Jul 2009, 2:51 pm

You actually did the right thing in that situation.

I recommend martial arts. it will help you confidence and in the long term help you defend yourself if you have to.

One of the things people frequently do is overestimate their capabilities. Running away if the 'exit' is clear is the easiest option therefore you win. There is absolutely no rules involved in fighting, don't get drawn in by false etiquette. If they employ that that is their problem not yours. Even if it means them getting their eyes gouged/scratched. One of the things I can't really teach you over these post is how not to struggle and to take control of the situation. That takes training, not something you can learn in a couple of weeks. people get overwhelmed because they struggle when they don't have to.


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06 Jul 2009, 2:52 pm

protest_the_hero wrote:
It just seems like an undeniable fact that when they don't know you, they go based on looks. I'm not being rude. I'm pointing out an obvious true cause for abuse.

Actually it can be less looks, but gernal body language. But it can be anything, sometimes it really is totally random.


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06 Jul 2009, 3:03 pm

Take your fist, and stick it between his eyes. I can assure you if you hit him hard enough he wont be bothering you again.

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06 Jul 2009, 8:17 pm

Michjo wrote:
Take your fist, and stick it between his eyes. I can assure you if you hit him hard enough he wont be bothering you again.
If they have more/bigger friends you should be careful who you piss off. Those guys travel in packs.


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05 Feb 2010, 4:49 pm

Of course the problem with trying to kick someone in the nuts is that you may be a couple of cm out.... as people have often tried to hit me in taht area, usually missing and either hitting above or two far to the left..... so I hit them morew acuratly :twisted:


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16 Jun 2010, 4:53 am

I agree, violence should be a last ditch tactic, it can be far more harmful for you than it is for the assailant.

First off try and get out of the situation, run if you can, drop what you're carrying and bolt it. Carry a whistle around with you and scream in their face, if that fails maybe carry a spritzer bottle with bleach and go for their eyes (not if there's cops around though, I don't think you could talk your way out of possession of something like that) one thing you could do without getting yourself into trouble is carry a cylinder wrap of coins in your pocket to use if all else fails, hold it in your fist and keep striking at their face or neck until they're no longer in a position to harm you and then run.

Also, I'd recommend learning some quick and dirty grapples/disarmament, none of that kung fu stuff, that belongs in dojo, not real life.

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16 Jun 2010, 7:54 am

We have a personal alarm in that looks like a bright yellow baseball bat. Hehe get one like that which is noisy and can be used to whack! :lol: You don't even have to hit the person but just wave it about a bit. :twisted:

Am usually bored so PMs are welcome!

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25 Jun 2010, 4:28 pm

"I am being targeted mainly because of the symptoms of aspergers that I show."

WTF! Someone tried to bash you because of you're ASD? WHAT A FREAK! {Them I mean}


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25 Jun 2010, 4:43 pm

Look for Jim grovers combatives series online great video series to watch

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25 Jun 2010, 7:15 pm

nodice1996 wrote:
I have a cell phone, I can get a whistle, and I DO NOT want to use violence if I am not already under battery.

You remind me alot of myself. Rather ironically, I have a tendency to cower in fear or hurdle into a ball on the ground instead of fight back when escape is inevitable. As suggested, someone loud and irritating is suggested - such as a whistle or alarm.

protest_the_hero wrote:
Seriously, looks are everything for attracting bullies, especially those who don't know you. Don't blame the aspie traits either. I flap my hands and use geek slang in front of delinquents and we still get along. Your looks...I don't know what to say...I want to break your glasses offence.
I'm seriously trying to help. Go punk!
What to fix: Hair, glasses, fat, voice(I'm sure), everything.
It's easy to be an aspie geek and not get picked on(for me).

Actually, looks don't affect a thing. I have curly brown hair with dandruff, a train-track brace, awful glasses, face full of acne, no muscle - but 150lbs of fat, I'm overall very short etc. and yet I never get bothered. You have one hell of a nerve to suggest some kid changes his appearance and that such an option would actually benefit him in any way. I am disgusted in your attitude, "Protest the Hero", and your ideas that people should become something they are not.

As for delinquents, if anything - you shouldn't seek to get on with them anyway. they oppose society and it's laws in their efforts to seek attention. Loud Whistle method all the way, I suggest.