nodice1996 wrote:
I have a cell phone, I can get a whistle, and I DO NOT want to use violence if I am not already under battery.
You remind me alot of myself. Rather ironically, I have a tendency to cower in fear or hurdle into a ball on the ground instead of fight back when escape is inevitable. As suggested, someone loud and irritating is suggested - such as a whistle or alarm.
protest_the_hero wrote:
Seriously, looks are everything for attracting bullies, especially those who don't know you. Don't blame the aspie traits either. I flap my hands and use geek slang in front of delinquents and we still get along. Your looks...I don't know what to say...I want to break your glasses offence.
I'm seriously trying to help. Go punk!
What to fix: Hair, glasses, fat, voice(I'm sure), everything.
It's easy to be an aspie geek and not get picked on(for me).
Actually, looks don't affect a thing. I have curly brown hair with dandruff, a train-track brace, awful glasses, face full of acne, no muscle - but 150lbs of fat, I'm overall very short etc. and yet I never get bothered. You have one hell of a nerve to suggest some kid changes his appearance and that such an option would actually benefit him in any way. I am disgusted in your attitude, "Protest the Hero", and your ideas that people should become something they are not.
As for delinquents, if anything - you shouldn't seek to get on with them anyway. they oppose society and it's laws in their efforts to seek attention. Loud Whistle method all the way, I suggest.