Tossup here, I voted 1990s, however.
1990s definitely had the advantage in regards to economical affairs. Computer related technology was developed enough to be reliable & even function as an entertainment medium, and also didn't have the stench of staleness. Then again, back then code became worthless in about a year's time because the latest & greatest gadgets were always spawning out of nowhere.
2000s has mostly time related benefits, far as technology & sciences & medicines and the like are concerned. An inherent grimness does seem to define the 2000s, however. It seemed to become especially prevent during the last 2 years, but then again, I've only been keeping tabs on world affairs since the last 2 years. I believe the most obvious effect the grimness of the last 10 years has been the paranoia associated with war & the fear-mongering news companies getting access to the internet.
Lives in a Jheuloh Bowl, under a Rock. Beware the Guard Lizard(s).
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