My name is Dylan, I am a 16 year old male Aspie. I used to hate music, but now it is one of my obsessions. I like punk, metal, and pop, and I like the bands Brand New, Seether, this Chinese rock band called Brain Failure.... I AM LOOKING FOR MY FIRST JOB!! ! I should also say where I live; Massachusetts, USA. I am a hardcore proud American, I can lecture you on how Pax Americana is the best period in world history, but I will spare you. I also love astronomy, astrophysics, physics.. my favorite theoretical physicist is MICHIO KAKU. Cars are also one of my obsessions, I like the brands, platforms, cross-platform sharing, models, etc. I also have my permit, and am hoping to get my license in a few months (Massachusetts law), and my first car will be a FORD (FORD FTW!! !). I am also a good student, 3.8 GPA, and I will pwn everyone come time for the SATs.
I have been told that I have a deep voice, which the ladies find sexy
If you want to contact me, pm me, and yes, I am single.
Edit: I am also a Democrat