IceCreamGirl wrote:
I was just wondering. I didn't until recently. Sometimes I regret how I acted before I did.
Remember "normal" people make fools of themselves, too. I (an aspie) do stuff that I regret all the time. However, then after the mistake you need to pick yourself up and laugh at the past as you walk into the future.
Making mistakes is how people learn, mature and grow. Making a mistake is normal and is a natural thing that happens. Do you think cave men/women cared about normal or for that matter popularity? If they care about people behaving and doing exactly like they do, then how did some one have the idea of make knives and axes out of rocks?
The answer is no they didn't disapprove of thinking outside the box but encouraged it. That is how NTs, scratch that, every one should view us autistic persons and other "outside the box thinking" peoples.