firefly_in_the_sky wrote:
When you think about it, words like 'superior' and 'inferior' have a kind of hitler-esque feel to them don't they? i don't like curebies because well, they want to change who i am and i feel comfortable with myself and i don't believe that my behaviour is a problem. But if we are the same towards NT's we would be just as bad as they are. The reality is that the majority of NT's who were given the chance would be fine and understanding, its only a minority who want to change us or are disrespectful.
I agree 100%. "Better" and "worse", "superior" and "inferior", "right" and "wrong" are all based on some ones perspective or opinion of themselves and you. And why do we need to change, because were different,
because we don't act like NTs tell us too,
because we are suppose to blend in like people in gray suits that all look the same.
It is not
Us that need to change. It is their
Attitude Us that needs to change. nobody should have to change who they are,