Joined: 28 Jan 2011 Age: 31 Gender: Male Posts: 1,582
02 Mar 2011, 9:51 pm
I'd say Type 2 probably fits me best. However, on a good day around my close friends I can often be Type 3. Although I don't think I'll ever do it, I'm curious what my friends would say if I told them I was an aspie. Would they be completely taken aback or not surprised at all? Also, although I want to be more like NTs sometimes I also feel a sort of stubborn... I don't know what. Not exactly pride. Just a stubbornness that I am who I am and don't need to change it to fit the needs of a bunch of NTs. So I guess I also display some characteristics of Type 4.
I am either 2 or 3.
Like, in certain classes, you couldn't tell that I have hfa, and some you could. (I am so happy, I haven't had to tell any of my teachers about it yet this year) but you can totally tell if you can see my family and I interact.
I think I will never completely be a 4 or 1 because there will always be a part of me that likes being unique and different, and there will also be a part that wants so badly to have friends and social interactions.