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25 Nov 2006, 7:58 pm

suprisingly popular! people are drawn to me for some reason. they LIKE how weird i am(usually)but considering that i never meet any one alone maybe im popular by friends drag me around(quite often LITERALLY!)and introduce me to ppl.

I think I know. I don't think I know. I don't think I think I know. I don't think I think.


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25 Nov 2006, 9:40 pm

I think it really depends on what groups are most interested in you, accept you the most, who you spend your time with etc., not to mention how you define popular. I mean, most high schools are pretty large, and unless you've got a lot of (obvious) talent or charisma, it's unlikely that you're going to be worshipped by half the school.


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28 Nov 2006, 6:30 pm

It would depend on the situation you are in.
As for me, popularity is just a state of mind at my HS. Everyone knows everyone and it would depend on who you hang out with.


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29 Nov 2006, 12:00 am

I do not have one friend at my entire school. I do not say one word in class (I'm a senior) and when school ends i drive directly home and do nothing all day

So, you can pretty much say I'm not that popular


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30 Nov 2006, 8:52 am

I remember, even as a very young kid, wondering "Why would ANYONE want to be in the popular crowd?" The kids were so mean to each other, such bullies to others (and, again, each other), and so conforming. Never in my life have I wanted to be popular. I wanted one good friend every year, somebody I could trust completely, who wouldn't turn on me. Usually it worked that way, a few years it didn't, and those years were tough. I got picked on, but I still didn't wish to be popular. In high school, I was very pretty and boys liked me, but my only real friends were two years younger than me. Rather than envying the cheerleaders and jocks, I had a kind of "what a bunch of losers" attitude about them, and no envy at all. As an adult, I'm VERY picky about my friends. I am surface friendly to almost anyone, maye too much so and inappropriately, but I am soooooooooo cautious about who I let into my life. I don't want to be around anyone I have to put on an act for--it's too much work, and not gratifying. Sooner or later, if I have a friend, they're going to be exposed to some weirdness I have, and they need to accept me for it. It's interesting to me that most Aspies, like me, don't seem to give a (bleep) about "popularity." I question it anyways. Half the people hate "popular" people because NT's are jealous of them. So what's "popular" anyways? Gimme my computer, coffee, a ballgame, and one or two REAL friends ;) Who needs phoney acquaintances and lots of attention and silly prom crowns? :lol:


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30 Nov 2006, 11:15 am

I was fairly popular at School, and popular enough for a good amount of people at my School Formal for person after person to want to have me in a Photo with them.

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01 Dec 2006, 11:30 am

I'm not hated. I have friends, I talk, I interact. I'm not the life of a party, but I do have friends. PEople come to me for help and support (and not just on intellectual issues).

Generally, I'd say the thing preventing me from being popualr is that I don't want to be.


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01 Dec 2006, 7:01 pm

I think on a scale of 0 to 100 I am a 100!! :D

I am 21yrs old and have 3 younger brothers.
There are 4 aspies in our family, dad, me and my
two little brothers 16, 8.

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04 Dec 2006, 5:13 pm

hehe you guys are all pretty luck unlike me.
I have no friends at my school:( :( :( . I only have 1 good friend but he doesn't go to my school.

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21 Dec 2006, 10:20 pm

I'm not popular at my school and that reason is, is because I have my own friends out of school.


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22 Dec 2006, 12:05 am

I'm probably one of the most popular kids in my school! However, they have no idea that I'm living a huge lie while I'm there. (I won't get into the details.) But anyway, here's a list of how things were going for me throughout the years (the lines mean I switched schools during that year or between the years):

Kindergarten: very popular, no enemies
First Grade: pretty popular, 2 enemies
Second Grade: extremely popular, 1 enemy
Third Grade: losing popularity, gaining enemies
Fourth Grade: had some friends, more enemies
Fifth Grade: exact same as fourth grade
Sixth Grade: some friends, tons of enemies
Seventh Grade: same friends, even more enemies
Eighth Grade: few friends, billions of enemies
Ninth Grade: quite a few friends, tons of enemies
Tenth Grade: no friends, billions of enemies
Eleventh Grade: home-schooled
Twelth Grade: extremely popular, three enemies


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22 Dec 2006, 5:03 am

If I was to replicate Lightning, here's how mine would go:

Kindergarden: 1 or two friends (can't remember just how many), no enemies
1st half of Primary: 2 friends, ended with 3 or 4, no known enemies
2nd half of Primary: 4 friends, ended with about 7, two or so enemies
Intermediate: 4 friends (lost a couple as they went to different schools), built up to about 10, two or so unknown enemies
High School: 6 friends (lost 'em again), grew up to about 14, two casual enemies (they'd rather smoke pot, really).

Geez, am I lucky or what? :? 8)

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But then I found
That I could speak to her,
In a way
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22 Dec 2006, 10:57 am

Interesting point, Lightning88, about "living a lie" while popular. I don't know if conformity is as rampant on high school campuses from my experience at two high schools, but there certainly is a standard you must live up to to be considered "popular".

Yesterday I was in a conversation about how people dress, where two people made very insightful remarks on popularity. Note that when I use "I" in these remarks, I am talking from their character:

Remark 1: There was one day in which I wore more conventionally "preppy" clothing to school, and more people talked to me. So that's why - although I HAVE the wardrobe, I don't wear it
Remark 2: I have a little sister who one day wore some clothes from Hollister, and she suddenly found herself being talked to by the conventionally "popular" students.

That sister of the person who made remark 2, though, was in middle school, which is an entirely different beast. But what I am trying to say is that there is, unfortunately, a standard for popularity in Charlotte.

When I was in Rhode Island, I remember that all different gropus of people were popular. Interesting.

It would be difficult to create a diagram showing how many friends I had in different grades but I might as well attempt. There are still many shades of grey...

Kindergarten: Don't remember
1st Grade: Four of five friends, moderately popular
2nd Grade: Kept most of my 1st grade friends, added some more, stayed moderately popular
3rd Grade: Transferred to a full-time Gifted Education class, kept inviting my 1st/2nd grade friends periodically to my house for this or that, but because we were seperated from each other in school, friendships dissolved into acquaintanceships.
One of my best friends at that time moved to Michigan. I started out making friends in the Gifted class, but when the Pokemon craze came to town, I began to realize how different I was from the rest of the school, obsessed with this piece of pop culture, and I probably had my first true feelings of isolation. Incidentially, at that time, my parents told me that I had been diagnosed with Aspergers' syndrome.
Eventually I bacame a conformist and started playing the Pokemon games and collecting the cards; with this common interest I was able to regain my friends and add some more by the end of the year.
4th grade: Conflicts between me and the teacher made me leave the full-time gifted program. In 4th grade, I made quite a few friends - probably having 10-15 by the end of the year - but had weird behaviors that gave me a few "enemies"
5th grade: behaviors escalated, but for some reason I kept a lot of my friends and probably "peaked" in popularity.
At the end of 5th grade I had to leave the past behind and move to Rhode Island.

6th Grade Attending a school for people with various learning/mental disorders, my odd interests and newcomer status in a state where everyone was born within minutes of where they currently lived left me with only one true friend my age for most of sixth grade.
7th grade Two new students come to the school, whom I immediately befriend. I figure I will be more accepted in my school if I get a Gamecube, so I ask for one for Christmas and the balance of power shifts.
At the end of 7th grade I am deemed fit for public school.

Starting in 8th grade the reasoning for my social position becomes more and more complex. I find it more interesting to look at WHY I have the social position I do, but it would be superfluous...
8th Grade I was in a self-contained special ed classroom for half of the day and the other kids in the class hated me because I repeatedly insulted their film taste and anime obsession. In the entire middle school, I had only one person I would consider a friend, and he was a more casual friend.
9th grade One serious friend, a moderate network of acquaintanceships, was referred to once as "secretly popular", but I think people called me weird behind my back.
10th grade My friend from 9th grade left, kept the network of acquaintances. I felt more and more isolated.
At the end of 10th grade I had to move to North Carolina.

11th grade At least five potential friendships, but there's got to be reciprocity...


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11 Jan 2007, 7:48 pm

I guess it depends on the community in which I am in. I play in alot of chess tournaments and I know I am fairly popular among the chess community in the state of Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

As for in school, I wish! But you can't always have everything you want. Not that it really matters, but it does get boring really quickly since I have to be there for about 6hrs of my entire day.


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12 Jan 2007, 12:02 pm

Now in 2007, I am a little more popular but some of the nonexistent cliques reject me because I have started an autism support group that got a lot of controversy.


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12 Jan 2007, 12:54 pm

Me? Why, I am hugely popular!

And by popular I mean unpopular.