AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Quis custodiet ipsus custodiets?
Stood out to me, and couldn't resist the nit-picking--it's Quis custodiet
ipsos custodies.
Ipsus isn't a proper ending (the nominative masculine of the intensive pronoun/adjective is
ipse, not
ipsus--it's irregular) and
custodiets isn't a word either--the accusative noun ending is -es, and the root is custodi- (guard) whence custodio, -ire, -ivi (-ii), -itus, to guard, also comes. Who will guard the guards themelseves? Spelling is very, very important in Latin, where a single changed vowel can change the meaning of an entire sentence. End pedantry.
On the ripped jeans thing--I don't get it either. It's like buying used, damaged clothing and then paying as much or more than you would for new clothes. Go figure. Incidentally, am I the only one who refuses to wear jeans? I don't like the feel of them.
cogito, ergo sum.
non cogitas, ergo non es.