DarthMaul wrote:
DoubleSPY wrote:
My name is Jason I am 13 years old, and I would love to have an aspie girl as my best friend or girlfriend. However the only way you could contact me is by steam so if any girl has a steam account then feel free to add me. My user name is Sgt. Rainbow Dash.
(Note. I know my username may be a little bit girly(Possibly) and I know that there may not be a lot of steam members that are girls but, there is really no other way for me. cause Facebook and Myspace is useless to me and AIM never works out and Email... well that's also useless to me.)
Jason, I am also your age and I would love to be your friend... Now just give me the website to that steam... thing...
EDIT: Never mind. I found it. Do you, by any chance, have XBox Live?
Well, don't worry about steam as much cause I found out how I can work with aim. just go to aim.com and you need to download it first before you can actually create one and another thing, set the year you were born to like 1994 otherwise it'll lock you out. Once that's done just go to options, add to buddies, and type in ixupi64 or
[email protected] or Lt. Twilight Sparkle. I do have xbox live but it's pointless to add me cause I never use it.