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Do you tell people that you have asperger?
yes 48%  48%  [ 78 ]
no 52%  52%  [ 86 ]
Total votes : 164


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05 Oct 2007, 7:12 am

i have only told 2 friends of mine that i got AS, One told me she had guessed it since her son was Diagnosed with AS,
the other one took it pretty cool, and with both nothing has changed they still treat me like they allways have done :)

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05 Oct 2007, 10:10 pm

I did in my English class, but thats because they were calling me stupid for never talking to anyone, but I usually wouldn't because they'll either, research it, get a false understanding of it and treat me like i'm stupid, or treat me like i'm stupid and can't do anything my self, or ask me a lot annoying questions all the time about it like "how do you see" ...with my eyes? :? and its also none of their business most of the time... if they ask i might, i don't know thoguh

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Emu Egg
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06 Oct 2007, 10:34 am

I only recently started telling ppl. jus when situations arose where my AS has affected my opinion about sumthing. The most ive got is blank looks and 'Whats that'. It shouldnt surprise me seein as how all ive known is the name of my condition until 6months ago. Still, it s**ts me when i try to explain and they either fail to understand or jus dont care.


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02 Nov 2007, 3:52 pm

I do tell people about my Asperger's Syndrome. In fact, this year I took up my Psychology teacher's request for me to speak about it to the class.
I think it's good for other people to know who we are. If they understand us (practically impossible, but one can dream, eh?), they are more likely to accept us.


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02 Nov 2007, 9:01 pm

Well, I remember when I was younger the vice pricipal of my middle school decided to take it upon herself to inform the class about my AS. Needless to say she was not knowlegeable on the subject and, at the very least, ignorant and uninformed.
So she walked into a room ful of sixthgraders and told them that a new girl was coming to their school, but they need to be careful what they say to her because she may take it the wrong way. She actually said that if they told me to 'go jump in a lake' or 'take a hike' I would. Literally.
Also I don't, in her words, like being touched lightly. only 'firm touches'. So naturally, one guy in there said, "So we hit her?"
It worked out fine though, I made 3 good friends (they later told me about this introduction and it's rediculousness.) and most everyone accepted me (except for the teacher, but that's a story for another day.)
Now I tell my instructors privately, usually through E-mail, and if anyone else asks, I tell them. AS is just a part of me and it's nothing to be ashamed of.


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04 Nov 2007, 7:40 am

I don't really see the point, as I don't associate with NTs :lol:

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11 Nov 2007, 1:36 pm

I do if the person has already brought up the subject of autism or something similar.

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12 Nov 2007, 5:57 pm

no,because ppl might treat me differently if they found out I had AS cuz it happened to me before some ppl treat me mean & are not understanding even if I did tell them they still wouldn't understand



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12 Nov 2007, 6:36 pm

They don't tell me I have asperger's, but they tell me I exhibit some of the symptoms or that I have social anxiety.


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04 Dec 2007, 6:52 am

I tell pretty much everyone that knows me, so that in the odd case of me acting in a way they don't understand, they know why. Everyone tells me though that they wouldn't have had a clue unless I told them, mainly because I've spent so long understanding how others react to things and interpreting them into my own life.


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14 Dec 2007, 12:26 pm

i just did and the friend in question just said "that explains allot" he said it a couple times though, and the memory of what else he said is blurred because i was drinking and i was slowly reverting to my extreamly angry stage because soon before he explained that one of my friends was stabbing me in the back, i havn't quite come out of angry stage yet but i will refrain from cursing

Maybe I don't know either.


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16 Dec 2007, 4:45 pm

I tell people I have "autism" because they're more likely to know what that is, and also less likely to make "Ass burgers" jokes.

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18 Dec 2007, 7:43 pm

Not unless I 100% know that they have AS too. I don't want to be embarrasssed, but if they have AS, they really can't think anything of it.

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20 Dec 2007, 3:51 pm

2 people =] one girl one boy. i think that's fair, no? i believe the boy has also grown to become very attached to me, oh dear -_-

Haven regular.

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22 Dec 2007, 1:50 am

I don't tell anyone. People just assume I'm "different". Haha. People think I'm on drugs, actually, because I have major mood swings. They think I alternate between X and ketamine. :lol: I think its rather amusing that they think someone has to be on drugs to either enjoy themselves or be distant. hehe.

I've told one person actually, and just this year. My best friend and I were talking about Americas Next Top Model and she said that Heather was just being overly sensitive about everything, and I said that she had no idea what she was saying and heather was handling things amazingly well and then she was like, how do you know? so I told her.

And my mom told the school against my will. I hate that.


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24 Dec 2007, 10:36 am

I don't tell people. Hell, even some of my family doesn't know. I've been like this since I was really little, so they just assume I'm "eccentric" or "odd" XD

Though I know that my teachers in elementary and middle school knew, as my mother gave that as the reason as to why I was having such a hard time with getting along with others. I hate it, since now they sort of treat me different.

Also, my biology teacher guessed that I have AS when I did a project on it. She's been really nice about it though, and hasn't treated me any different.