nomad21 wrote:
I used to be bullied, but now I'm a senior in high school, and everyone's pretty much grown up by now (most people at least). The only ones who haven't grown up are the NT jocks it seems. This year I haven't had to put up with it because I'm exemped from PE, but every other year I've taken PE, even in high school, I was tormented due to my bad motor skills because I usually didn't catch the ball when it was thrown to me, that sort of thing. I also didn't work so well with my team. So of course I got yelled at, being called all sorts of names which I won't say.
I know that too well.. In addition to my bad motor skills I'm blind on the left eye, which makes participation in any ball-game impossible. One can imagine that this didn't help my popularity.
In elementary school I was very emotional and would usually start crying or snap and throw furniture (mostly chairs) around when someone picked on me. It got a lot better when I learned to control my emotions in middle school: They still bullied me but I didn't really care anymore.
Some of my former bullies even became kind of friends once they matured a little..