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Is your bully a girl or boy
boy 80%  80%  [ 12 ]
girl 20%  20%  [ 3 ]
Total votes : 15

Emu Egg
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29 Jan 2008, 11:09 pm

First off you control your emotions and you control yourself. When you allow someone to effect your emotions you are giving control to them.

Second work on your own ways to convey your thoughts on a Bully better.
Do not use terms that are subject to too much interpretation.

Gay- makes people who would help you question your politics.
Retarded- does the same and for the most part means to Hold back.
Now on to Greg:

Really to me the only way to defeat a Bully without going through the pains taking act of Fighting is to pretty much use debasement and sarcasm and and well say something hurtful back to score the deep thought of humilation in the person.

Here are a few things to use: Mind you the correct thing to do is turn the other cheek and walk off but I am sure you know as well as i and the rest of the world knows the best gun to defeat another gun is a bigger stronger gun!! ! :evil:

Here it goes:

You know I would be offended by that if it were said by someone that actually mattered since you are pathetic and no one cares what you think it doesn't bother me at all.

You know I am sorry you wake up deformed every morning but don't take it out on me.


It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying

I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.

I might be short but you're ugly and I still have time to grow!

I'm trying to imagine you with a personality

Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?

Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.

Your mom is so ugly, when she went to McDonalds, they couldn't serve happy meals.

Yo' breath so stank, it's like your tongue farted

you so ugly that when you were little, your momma had to tie a porkchop around your neck to make the dog play with you

Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today

I heard that you changed your mind. So, what did you do with the diaper?

Well, you're living proof that even a turd can be polished.

Good luck i hope that your silver tongue can win this out but one day you will be tested and on that day be ready to fight. It is better to lose a fight than to be scared of someone who continues to push you around. Stand up for yourself and stand up for others. You are better than the bully and if you make it to adulthood this will all be memories laughable at best and you will suceed.


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30 Jan 2008, 12:08 am

Shinigami wrote:
bullies are a lot like flies..they breed fast, die young and they're everywhere...
is there any way you can avoid this Greg?

I like that what you just said Shinigami.

Carole-I had many people that tried to bully me and called me names before. There is this girl in my freshman class that is completely mean to everyone, including me. However, now that I'm home schooled, she seems to pick on this poor kid that acts like he as ADD or something.

I just try to look past the action and try to see their souls. Bullies aren't evil, even though they seem to be... they may feel a lot of pain at home or feel misunderstood. Or they may act certain way and not realize that they are being mean.

There are many reasons why this Greg would do those things. It could be because he is trying to put the rebellious gay image. Or it could be simply that he is catty. ^^

Blue Jay
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30 Jan 2008, 3:10 am

I once had someone try to bully me.......

I found the best way to deal with it was to never back down......

If he called me something i'd call him something......

If he hit me I hit him right back

We both played full contact sports like shinty and that was a good place to get back at him

And after awhile he knew I wasnt gonna take it

He started to pick on this other kid........ that kid wasnt as tall or strong as I was so he couldnt rly stand up for himself (the bully was one big guy he could lift me up and im by no means a small guy)

Funny thing is he truned out to be kinda nice after he knew I wasnt gonna let him push me about

Aye all ya gotta do is be strong and dont let yourself be picked on my him

Sorry for any bad grammar/lack of punctuation it is not my forte

Tufted Titmouse
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04 Feb 2008, 2:04 am

When I was in the eigth grade this girl who was a year younger, 5 inches shorter than me, and about 100 pounds started to call me fat and pshyco. Now I ignore her and laugh to myself as she gets closer and closer to the abyss she is destined for. Try to avoid these people if at all possible. If you see them, just go the other direction. and NEVER be alone with them and their friends. From my experience, they will only pick on you if you are alone and they are grouped together. And if you can't avoid them, try insulting them in very long words that they will never understand.


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18 Feb 2008, 12:58 pm

I have a bully who does stuff like pushing me off the stairs and slamming my locker shut on my head. My comfort is that she's rude to everyone, and not a lot of people like her. But it's hard to tell on her, last person who did got suspended for racism (she's black.)

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19 Feb 2008, 8:18 am

I used to be bullied, but now I'm a senior in high school, and everyone's pretty much grown up by now (most people at least). The only ones who haven't grown up are the NT jocks it seems. This year I haven't had to put up with it because I'm exemped from PE, but every other year I've taken PE, even in high school, I was tormented due to my bad motor skills because I usually didn't catch the ball when it was thrown to me, that sort of thing. I also didn't work so well with my team. So of course I got yelled at, being called all sorts of names which I won't say.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 Feb 2008, 6:00 pm

i am still getting bullied and no matter what i do it keeps on happening

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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29 Feb 2008, 6:20 pm

nomad21 wrote:
I used to be bullied, but now I'm a senior in high school, and everyone's pretty much grown up by now (most people at least). The only ones who haven't grown up are the NT jocks it seems. This year I haven't had to put up with it because I'm exemped from PE, but every other year I've taken PE, even in high school, I was tormented due to my bad motor skills because I usually didn't catch the ball when it was thrown to me, that sort of thing. I also didn't work so well with my team. So of course I got yelled at, being called all sorts of names which I won't say.

I know that too well.. In addition to my bad motor skills I'm blind on the left eye, which makes participation in any ball-game impossible. One can imagine that this didn't help my popularity.

In elementary school I was very emotional and would usually start crying or snap and throw furniture (mostly chairs) around when someone picked on me. It got a lot better when I learned to control my emotions in middle school: They still bullied me but I didn't really care anymore.

Some of my former bullies even became kind of friends once they matured a little..


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29 Feb 2008, 7:59 pm

This might not be the most ethical train of thought, but know this:
The weight that he teases you about naturally increases the force of your punches, should you choose to throw them.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Mar 2008, 8:59 am

well after about 8 months he finnally got off my case. My dad stinks i swaer he could care less about me :( :wall: