What do women want?
1. Acceptance. To be liked for who they are, and not just for the way they look.
2. Affirmation. Acknowledge her dreams, her fears, her likes and dislikes, and the fact that she is a cherished and valued person.
3. Appreciation. Never take a woman for granted. Never assume that she'll always be there for you, or that she'll always cater to your desires. Show her that she is worthy of your admiration. Make her the envy of all her friends (See #9 below).
4. Security / Honesty. She needs to know that she can trust you, so keep your word, and never lie. Lying is one of the worst things you can do to a woman. One little lie will ruin a boatload of trust. And keep a few twenties stashed away, just in case an emergency expense comes up. A man who can't handle a tow charge or cab fare won't get a second chance to show his resourcefulness.
5. Safety. Never, ever raise your hand in anger to a woman. Never threaten her, either. Do not ever give her any reason to believe that you mean her any harm, humiliation, or insult. In fact, never express your anger to her verbally or physically, unless it's to say a simple "Good Night" as you head out the door. Otherwise, ditch the firearms, samurai swords, and handcuffs where she'll never see them.
6. Loyalty. She wants to be your one-and-only source for love, comfort, entertainment, and sex. Never let her think otherwise. Never give her a reason to think otherwise. Ditch the porn, the black book, and any "trophies" you may have collected from past conquests. Keep references to former girlfriends to a minimum. And when her girlfriends just "happen" to show up in revealing outfits, either stay at her side or excuse yourself completely. Your loyalty is likely being tested, so be vary careful where you look, what you say, and what you do. Don't let yourself be "accidentally" caught alone with one of her friends - trust me, it wasn't an accident. Your reactions to temptation will be observed, disected, and judged at length.
7. Respect. (a) Even if you disagree with her opinions, or if all of the facts back up your side of the argument, present your side in a way that respects her feelings and personal character. Never make conflicting opinions grounds for shattering her ego. (b) Take care of her property - don't leave handprints, footprints, and embarrassing stains anywhere on anything she owns. For that matter, keep your own place and belongings clean enough for her to handle. (c) Treat her family, especially her parents and children, like royalty
8. Credit. Giver her credit for the results of her efforts, even if those results fall short of your ideals. Those burnt cookies may taste like scouring powder, but let her know that the fact that she even tried was worth something.
9. Envy. Finally, women want to be envied by their friends for having found a kind, caring, thoughtful man who bathes every day, holds down a well-paying job, dresses like an office worker, and knows how to say "Please" and "Thank You" without sounding like a spineless wimp. Good posture and grooming are important, too, so show her how much she means to you by taking care with your own appearance.
That about covers it.