I think in an aspies brain there is sometimes a switch (in a metaphorical sense of course XD) that can be tuned to the far right, far left and anywhere inbetween. I think of this switch as your maturity level, one that can change but also can stay the same for X amount of years. You can't change it, its although your brain grows little hand and changes it when it wants too - so make the most of it if you can!
My maturity level is quite low - when I was 11 I played with one peer my own age and the rest were all about 5-6 which many people discouraged. However by doing that I have learned alot about the childs mind through simply sociallizing and playing with them, and have used my skills to volenteer at a a single parents social group where I help with the kids and talk to them. Many have come from abusive backgrounds and they tell me stuff they never could tell the adults. I'm trusted as i socialize like them, but still can think (rarely ) like and adult. Its great. ^-^
Its my peers that get me - there seems to be a lot of unspoken rules that I simply can't keep up with , and I've been told i ask 'stupid' questions all the time when I genually don't know the answer. anyone else like this?
I'm a girl people!
"Do or do not; there is no try." -Yoda
Your Aspie score: 157 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 65 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie