I have serious problems in learning to drive in the manual transmission. Mainly because my mind can't really stay focused on the complex stuff you need to do when you drive in the Manual transmission. Also my mind has a tendency to wander off from time to time.
I've had a dozen lessons in the manual transmission car first, then around ten in the automatic and now several in the manual. I've made progress in the manual transmission but my mental problems are probably making me hit a brick wall.
My driving instructor said that it would be very hard to pass my license test in the manual transmission and recommended that I take the license test in the automatic. In this country if you take the license test in the automatic, you can only drive automatic cars.
In our household we have two cars, one automatic which is my dad's, while there is a manual one which with some work I can get on the road and use it for myself.
If I have my license in the automatic I can't drive the former car. Where I live a reliable car is a great asset and if we lived out further out from Bendigo, it would be a necessity.
Even with an interest free loan I've taken out with the university, I can only afford cars which are 20 years old and probably fall apart in 6 months to a year. I have no job and not likely to get a job which would allow me to get car financing to buy a decent car anytime in the near future.