Beau wrote:
I'm thinking of learning how to drive a stick (my dad can teach me), and I'll probably get the hang of it sooner or later. Has anyone driven one before? Do you prefer that over auto?
Yes I have a manual car, and while it is harder to drive - it takes alot of practise - I'd much rather be able to drive a manual than only an auto. Auto's are pretty easy to drive, but it also limits you to only being able to drive an auto.. which isn't a great thing if you get stuck in a manual car. If you learn how to drive a manual you can easily drive an auto as well as a manual, instead of only an auto.
Roybertito wrote:
Dude, I have my own car already (an '89 or '90, not really sure. but it's an '89 or '90 Camaro that's in bad condition, but its drivable), but I can't get a learner's until a year from now (when I'm 15 and a half Sad), so I have to wait. For now, I'm tired of walking to school every day!
I feel your pain.. I have the car but not the liscense coz I'm slack... I could have had my liscense months ago... so I'm stuck with public transport for a little while yet.