Do you know any other teens at school with Asperger's?

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24 Feb 2009, 4:29 pm

I do know someone in my year group who has Asperger's but he can't really be talked to because he has Asperger's rather severly. He pretty much always shows lots of the symptoms and I've never seen him differently. It's rather sad actually because he's the only person who you can tell he has a disability. Although I have asperger's myself, you wouldn't be able to tell from looking at me or by the way I act.
Also I know this is a bit wrong to say, but he always smells, very bad! You can't really stand by him for more than a couple of seconds without actually having to move away from him. Everytime I look at him it makes me realise how lucky I am to not have Asperger's as bad as what he does.


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24 Feb 2009, 4:43 pm

My best friend has it serverly, he's improved but it's still obvious. He goes mad if people accidently bump into him, but the funny thing is he hates other people touching him but he's all affectionate with me. Everyone winds him up at school and because of that people think he's some sort of psyco but if people actually took time to get to know him he's really nice.
Lol he's very frank and blunt, he just says what he thinks, and when I say hi to him on MSN he replies with "what do you want now"

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26 Feb 2009, 7:55 pm


Hi, my name is Johan but I go by josh. I am currently studuying biochemistry at the University of Virginia. Before that I lived in Paradise Valley, AZ. I was born in Denmark

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26 Feb 2009, 8:12 pm

Besides my twin brother, no one in my grade. I know a guy who has it in a lower grade though, I never got to talk to him though, I don't notice him around anymore.


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02 Mar 2009, 4:05 pm

I know this one kid who is friends wif my BF's family. I wud talk to him but we honestly have noting in common and even though I can tell he's an aspie because I know a lot about it, he acts like an NT if you didn't know much about it.


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04 Mar 2009, 6:40 pm

I see this guy every morning who has the characteristic walk and has the stereotypical look of a geek IMO.

He's in a lower grade and I have no good reason to talk to him though.


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04 Mar 2009, 9:44 pm

MONKEY wrote:
My best friend has it serverly, he's improved but it's still obvious. He goes mad if people accidently bump into him, but the funny thing is he hates other people touching him but he's all affectionate with me. Everyone winds him up at school and because of that people think he's some sort of psyco but if people actually took time to get to know him he's really nice.
Lol he's very frank and blunt, he just says what he thinks, and when I say hi to him on MSN he replies with "what do you want now"

Wow sounds alot like me!! ! :lol:

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05 Mar 2009, 2:29 pm

Sounds 'lot like me too.... No, no speech this time.


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06 Mar 2009, 6:07 pm

Nope, i dont know any at my school. I have to waste 180 days of my life with stuck up, rude, preppy and immature f****n b***h kids.

Living my life one day at a time.


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06 Mar 2009, 6:08 pm

Nope, i dont know any at my school. I have to waste 180 days of my life with stuck up, rude, preppy and immature f****n b***h kids.

Living my life one day at a time.


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06 Mar 2009, 10:18 pm

Same here... School is a waste of time, man.


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19 Mar 2009, 11:10 am

I know one that apparently has Asperger's in my year (we call it year in England instead of grade). I wouldn't get on with him though.


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19 Mar 2009, 4:03 pm

Back when I went to a regular high school, I knew one, although I dont think he knew I had AS. We never really got along, he was a jerk who seemed to be obsessed with making me angry, and then complaining about it, trying to look like a victim. And often, he was able to pull it off, making me look like the rude jerk.

That said, I did get angry when another person learned he was sensitive to hearing and shrieked in his ear, so I grabbed the bully and slammed him into the wall, hard. Probably the only real act of violence I've ever shown since the second grade. I dont understand why I was the only one who got in trouble for it.


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19 Mar 2009, 5:41 pm

Honestly I've never met anyone in real life with Asperger's aside from myself. I wish I knew at least one person with it.

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19 Mar 2009, 9:22 pm

I suspect my best friend to have it. He's got most of the characteristics.
I'm gonna ask him about it and see what he says.

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24 Mar 2009, 3:12 pm

why yes.
The principal and such would often mention another asperger
Usually saying something mean as usual.
I left public school and I'm about to get my GED.
But I have to wait until I'm 16 due to age restrictions....
Currently she is my girlfriend.

The one goal I carry is to help as many people as possible. People often ask me if I can talk. Many believe that I am a mute. Others regard me as genius.