dunbots wrote:
jmnixon95 wrote:
emlion wrote:
okay okay.
hm, my mind is firmly in the gutter over in the adult forum.
so i must keep it nice here.
Do you have last.fm?
Murhur? What? It's /ˈmaˌha/.
I have it not, just download songs from YouTube with IDM, FlashGet, or JDownloader, then convert to .mp3 with VLC. Or just torrent.
I just make up my own interjections every now and then.
Last.fm basically recommends music and records the music you listen to by means of charting it. Kind of. Like, it keeps statistics. And I like both statistics and music; thus, I love last.fm
I just download whatever I hear that I like on there and listen to it.
I use MediaFire; most practical, I must say.