I used to cut, I have celebrated my 2 years no cutting August 3, 2009. I started cutting at 12 years old until I was 18. I went from cutting when angry or upset or had a fight with someone or the bullying or something. Than I was depressed from 13 to 18 just depressed every day. So, I went to cutting one in awhile to cutting, when I got the urge as well as when upset or angry, then to doing it every day. I have markers on my skin from many objects used. I never cut to kill myself. I cut to hurt my self on the outside and to get my mind off the pain and hurt inside me. Finally senior year after I turned 18 I wanted to commit suicide, some odd reason I told my speech teacher was in and out of a mental hospital for 6 months. Though it was the best thing but also the worst thing for me. It was a wake up call to my mom to stop pushing off my depression and the high school and other people calling saying I need help and her yelling at me. It was a wake up call I needed to go. I went to a crisis center they said I was fine but after thinking while I was there I shouted no I am going to kill myself I need help. So, they basically drugged me up till I was a zombie. But actually all that bad stuff there, has lead me to a better life now. I haven't been depressed in the longest time ever in my life, I haven't cut. In a year I haven't done other self-mutilation. I haven't thought about suicide in 2 years and such.
But yeah, I have cut, and I did overcome it.