100 things about NT teens you don't understand

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16 Mar 2011, 8:42 pm

ocdgirl123 wrote:
tomboywriter101 wrote:
I'll get this started
1. Why they find appeal in drugs, alcohol.

I personally find alcohol repulsive tasting, I have only had a few sips of my parents drinks, and had no problem only being allowed to just have a sip. Why do so many people my age like it?

I wouldn't be drinking alcohol if it was legal for me to do so.

I don't know what alcohol tastes like myself, but I probably won't drink even when I am of age. I mean, even if it does taste good, there are plenty of other drinks which taste good and are cheaper and less fattening and don't cause you to have a hang over the next morning. Personally, I think lemonade sounds much more appealing than bear.


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17 Mar 2011, 12:43 am

Alcohol is disgusting. I never want to drink it again.

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17 Mar 2011, 11:58 am

Okay, I have a few more.

Person A: "I hate people who do that sort of thing".
Person B: *stops doing that sort of thing and shuffles around guiltily*
Person A: Oh! I didn't mean you! You, it's all right...

When people stick up for you, and then tell you off later. Like, "it's not her fault!" and then telling you later "you really should try to be better".

And also, I was in a lesson and this notoriously obnoxious guy came in and started making comments about everyone in the room. The guy next to him was laughing and joking with him (he wasn't joining in the nasty comments). Then when the 1st guy left, he said "what a dick". But they're friends?


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17 Mar 2011, 5:48 pm

daedal wrote:
Okay, I have a few more.

Person A: "I hate people who do that sort of thing".
Person B: *stops doing that sort of thing and shuffles around guiltily*
Person A: Oh! I didn't mean you! You, it's all right...

When people stick up for you, and then tell you off later. Like, "it's not her fault!" and then telling you later "you really should try to be better".

And also, I was in a lesson and this notoriously obnoxious guy came in and started making comments about everyone in the room. The guy next to him was laughing and joking with him (he wasn't joining in the nasty comments). Then when the 1st guy left, he said "what a dick". But they're friends?

As best as I can figure, NTs take it for granted that everyone will be a little bit two-faced. Don't ask me why.

Tufted Titmouse
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19 Mar 2011, 6:23 pm

Why they have to swear in all their sentences. Can't they see it just makes them look dumb to talk like that?

Why they live off of Monster energy drinks and Jersey Shore. I tried a Monster before and, sure, you'll feel amazing for a while, but you crash. That was my first and only time I've drank one of those. And Jersey Shore is just stupid. There's no better way to say it. I don't want to spend an hour watching slu*ty women and foolish men drink and get into fights.


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19 Mar 2011, 6:56 pm

daedal wrote:
GOD! This is so annoying, this thing:

When you think you're friends with someone and you're joking around and they're laughing at your jokes and stuff and suddenly you say something apparently completely heinous and they just Stare at you for minutes. Then you're all like, "never mind, doesn't matter" to save yourself from the Stare (not so nice when you're on the other side of it :D ) and then they go "you're very rude, you know". No, I do not know. I did think you had a sense of humour, though. Plus. On one particular occasion, I was making fun of myself. And they got all offended at that! Even for an NT, wouldn't that be hard to understand??

And they get so bothered over my being rude when their manners are lacking as well! There was a nasty girl in my form who decided to pick on me because I said "sorry" instead of "pardon" (the latter is a working class shibboleth, anyway), don't know why that was fun for her. I also usually say thank you and goodbye when I leave a teacher's lesson. A friend said that was annoying for her? Why? I'm not particularly overzealous with manners, but I see the value in them. And of course, it makes up for when I'm not so polite :D

Oh and I could see the attraction in drugs and alcohol. Getting on the nice side of merry (with safe people like a few friends) is fun.
Purple haze, all in my brain :wink:

I don't like it when people say "pardon" for some reason. I don't mention it to people when they say it, it's just a minor pet peeve of mine.


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20 Mar 2011, 5:52 pm

How social interaction revolves around the "clique" dynamic vs actually knowing each other. They'll act a certain way presenting some sorta superficial interaction and they dont really know each other.


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20 Mar 2011, 7:08 pm

I don't understand how they're able to go up to a cashier without being scared. Gosh, I would always be scared to go up to a cashier and ask them for something, but if one of my peers walks up to them, they can look them in the eye and tell them what they want without hesitating.

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21 Mar 2011, 3:50 am

How come the girls make a living hell out of your life when they are mad but once its over they act like what they did wasn't that bad?

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26 Mar 2011, 7:00 pm

Why do girls go out with the biggest as*hole of all time, and then after he dumps them, wander why they're not nice yet, avoid the nicer, genuine people like the plague?


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26 Mar 2011, 9:27 pm

1. It isn't what they find persay in alcohol, it is just like any other addiction, the dopamine blinds them as well as aspies.

2. Well, that I semi-get. It has an evolutionary benefit to a point. If they can get into a big group and earn the respect or at the least the friendship of other people, then they get those connections/protections. (But it usually doesn't work unless they comply with everything or they have "something" that forces people to respect them).

3.Um, there are also aspies that are that way

4. why they act differently, it goes back to #2, they need to earn the respect of different groups different ways, and that is not just with nt's...I act differently around my family than I would my classmates than I would a church leader, etc, etc....

5. clothes, Yea, I think that has to do with fitting in also, I think the majority of this stuff has to do with fitting in....because you have to look, act, sound a certain way

6. Well when people in general are teenagers, they first start discovering hormones and all this other crap.....if they wouldn't let the thoughts dwell in their head, then everything wouldn't lead to that.

7. I don't either, chit chat is just stupid, it is unproductive, and awkward, I think people should be straightforward...then again, nt's have a body language code, so while they are "chit chatting" they are also subconsciously reading bodies and seeing if they are friends/lovers/enemies/etc...

8. The friend thing probably (this is speculation on my part) has to do with fitting in and supposedly being nice, and/or if you are beautiful

9. Well prom is supposed to show that they are normal? Eh, I am kinda annoyed by that one because I KNOW that I won't be asked, yet I want to go because then it will show that someone likes me or something or wants to hang around me even....in short, it shows a big milestone in life or something

10. Yea, Idk about that, some people really just don't care

11. Amen, I think it is all because we are "supposed to" this or "supposed to" that according to infrastructures established long before our times

12. Well, calling other people names makes them and shows them as superior, for fitting in of course

13.They care to fit in

14. They are cruel to fit in.

15. Being competitive might just be their personality...I'm an aspie and I am SUPER competitive (though I am a girl, and that defies social norms)

16. I don't understand the geeky/cute thing....maybe because their geekiness implies a focus on one subject, whereas, yours implies a misunderstanding of social rules.

17. Because you are either in or out?

18. They are lazy and don't feel like using words to their fullest extent

19. There is nothing, and my school somewhat accepts that....as long as you have a 4.0 with 3 sports, 2 musical instruments and one other accomplishment

20. Idk about the progressively immature, maybe it is just influences from the outside world?

21. I would go to a party if I were invited, provided I actually had "nothing to do"

22. It's called being rebellious, and it is part of the teenager psyche

23. Popular= fitting in, see above

24. the language they speak??? english???

25. I can understand that, I'll let some people do things that I won't let others...it is pure favoritism

26. Yea, that has happened to me, idk about that, they are weak and don't believe in anything?

27. the swearing, because it makes them feel powerful and fitting in

28. like drugs

29. see fitting in

30. what would the cashier do to them? I can understand no eye contact (because they are staring into your soul) but what else is bad about casiers???

31. because girls have hormones, deal.

32. because some girls find that attractive (or him), so they deal

Now heres mine:
33....how can they look each other in the eyes without people being afraid of reading their souls/minds?

34.....how can they just understand it and not share the info?

35....how come everyone can just "get" a boyfriend or girlfriend?


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07 Apr 2011, 7:43 pm

I don't get why (and how) people get a boyfriend/girlfriend. The relationship almost always breaks apart. I only know of one exception, with a couple being together for six years and counting...

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07 Apr 2011, 7:47 pm

PurpleTrapezoid wrote:
I don't get why (and how) people get a boyfriend/girlfriend. The relationship almost always breaks apart. I only know of one exception, with a couple being together for six years and counting...

Why do people want to hook their friends up with other people? My brother was like "All right, sis, you need to talk to a guy."

I'm not ready to talk to a guy, why does my brother feel the need to hook me up with someone?

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09 Apr 2011, 7:28 pm

1.) Just how does social interaction come so easily?
2.) Why do people automatically assume that someone's differences have something to do with sexuality?
3.) How can you fail a class when your teacher gives you several opportunities to make up easy assignments, ridiculously easy extra-credit handouts, and rounds grades up 10 points?
4.) How does one get "in the loop"?
5.) Why would someone wear their pants so low that you can see their underwear?
6.) Why are the most important things to some people alcohol, drugs, and gangs?
7.) How do NTs see each other and Aspies?
8.) How do NTs find Girlfriends/Boyfriends so easily?


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11 Apr 2011, 7:07 pm

Why they refuse to listen to any unpopular music, doesn't matter what genre. I know someone that just listens to metallica, a7x, soad etc, but doesn't like any other metal.

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11 Apr 2011, 7:33 pm

Why many mournfully claim that adults don't understand them while confirming EVERY teenage stereotype.

Why they take my favorite seat if I'm 5 minutes late to lunch. I know we aspies like routine more than NTs, but I thought NTs liked to sit in the same place every day, too.