Hard to say who my best friend is. So, well, here's a few of the closer friends...
One I met over MSN during International Week at school. We were both people who hadn't gone to Howtown, we were both bored, I said hi over MSN. We hit it off pretty quickly, although I think I lost the MSN history as the Craptop died a horrible death involving the words "corrupted" and "hard drive" and "block of concrete falling off the top of something" (long story). Anyway, over the summer holidays we met up a bit in Durham, had coffee etc, she'd had a few problems in her love life recently so we just talked. Cut a bit short, the meet, at the end she hugged me (first friendly hug like, ever :p) and that pretty much started everything. We don't see each other as often as we like though, a lot of her group doesn't get on too well with me.
One I met through my girlfriend. I don't see anything like of her as much as I want to, her living 180 miles away and all, but yer - we're very good friends, talk constantly. We met because she threatened to kick my arse long-distance style after she thought I was stalking my current girlfriend/some pedo or whatever, and I myspaced her about it. MSN followed.
Only guy I can really count among my close friends is the first person's ex, which complicates things no end. But yer. We get along well, like the same music, both play Oblivion a lot, both like cider, tis good
Then there's my girlfriend, who is just generally amazing. We met over a forum, it's long distance. But when we get over that, it's amazing, we get along perfectly. Three months next Friday