i didn't get asked (officially, this year), but i asked someone and she didn't say no. which i guess is good enough.
Scissor...me wrote:
So, if it's your senior year prom and no one asks you and you're not with someone, you just don't go...?
remember that nobody is forcing you to go.
Outsider put it better than i probably can: school dances and prom in particular tend to be miserable if you're not with anybody, be it a date, friend, group of friends, or friends with dates. actually...i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that even if you've got people to go wiht, there's the chance that it's gonna suck. i mean all the proms and dances i've ever know played rap, top 40 and "teach me how to dougie" in between the two slow dances, and my date and i just aren't the dancing type, even when there is music
that can be danced to. so, if you decide to do anything after the prom, try and pick something you're sure you're gonna enjoy...whatever it is. so you don't go home (as) disappointed.
my afterprom was going to her house, along with her friend (her date had to leave early) and watching pulp fiction. it was great, got home at 3 and there were cuddles.
aside from the awful music, and the eiffel tower (paris themed) which collapsed in the middle of the event as if it were made of cereal-box cardboard, there was a room where one could play mario kart or DDR, too bad the former was always being used and the latter kept breaking. but it was really nice to have anyway.
just...if you think you're not going to enjoy it, which has a big chance and if you know you;re gougn to go alone, just don't go. save yourself some money, time, sanity, and if you have any regrets, i hope they pass...
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