It's hard to say but I'd say any subject teachers I had when I was in school did not know. It really wasn't there job to know. However, my special education teachers did know. When I say special education I simply mean the teachers I had when I was in the Learning Center which is for those who have a learning disability(like ADD ect). I certainly felt the most comfortable with my Learning Center teachers and I was able to talk to them very easily and they were very understandable. For my subject teachers however, I hardly ever talked to any of them but most seemed to be fine with me because of my good behavior. However, I did have one teacher in the 8th grade that seemed to have a big problem with me. Obviously because of her ignorance she had no idea about my social impairment and just assumed that I was rude and anti-social as she once called me. She hated my antics(I'd sit at my desk with my legs crossed, I always wanted to work alone and I was bad with group work). Once she called me anti-social in front of the class, she crossed the line and I went down the the principal's office personally and complained about her and said how I was hurt and how that was very unprofessional. After the complaint she was never mean to me again but she was just an example of that one teacher who clearly had no idea that aspergers(hell, maybe even autism) didn't exist and was in total ignorance.