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09 May 2006, 7:41 pm

Black_Sheep wrote:
Yeah, where to start?
I really regret ever shaving areas that didn't need to be when I was a stupid 11 year old when I found my mom's new razor.
The areas are my legs and arms that now need to be shaven often and the other areas I only shaved once which made my hair a bit thick but still a bit transparent are things I don't want to talk about.
Please tell me is there a way to make my legs, arms, and/or once shaven areas thinner? Would bleaching them help?
I have a bit of flab on my waist that just won't go away, I have acne bacause I really don't have any time to care for them, and I have streach marks on my body; I have really concidered not looking for a mate in my life ever because of this and other irrelevant things. :(

shaving isn't that bad. honestly. it just seems harsher when it grows in.

but i have good news for you: there's this lotion by Jergens that, if you use every day for a month, it will make hair softer so you have to shave less often. I'm sure you could get it at CVS or whichever drug store is closest to you.

and by arms, you mean armpits right?


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15 May 2006, 4:27 pm

I have a few spots, which no-one but my parents criticise, a few spots on my arms for some reason, and stretch marks on my back.


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15 May 2006, 5:41 pm

Chris wrote:
I have a lot of problems with my height and weight. I'm a 14 year old male and I still am only 4'11 3/4" and I only weigh 86 pounds. I've always been short and light and I get picked on a lot because of it.

I think it's kind of odd that people complain about that sort of problem.
I wish I could drop below 170 lb.
For me, weight is mostly a nuisance, because I would love being smaller.
Being big and strong have it's advantages, but you should take what you have and work with it.
Ever seen Jackie Chan at work? Or a really good parkour runner?
That's some amazing s**t that I have a problem being good at because of my size.

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17 May 2006, 3:18 am

I'm hilariously self-concious, as far as I will almost never take my shirt off. Ever. I'm not unsatisfied with myself as I am, I'm just afraid others are, I suppose.

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28 May 2006, 8:31 pm

TehFix, I have a similar problem with self-esteem. I think I'm ok - I just sometimes have trouble believing that others could possibly share that opinion. But I'm working on it, and have found that with practice it can get easier to 'be yourself' around others and to worry less about being judged. (Lots of practice. Just chill. etc. etc.)

As for problems with one's self ...

I used to have no problem whatsoever with my ass, although I knew it was bigger than it should be if you go by media values. Then a while ago I had something of an epiphany, and suddenly thought that it was too big. This fortunately didn't last for very long, althogh it did re-occur at least once for a short time. Then I decided that it was functional, gave me something to sit on, made my legs work, and if you really want to go into the asthetics side of things (a minor issue, since I can't see it anyway without a craned neck or two mirrors) ... some blokes actually like larger behinds. About the only real problem with it is when clothes fit strangely, due to being standardised shapes.

Continuing with the Lament of the Pear Shape, I also have had varying opinions of my bust. It's exceptionally small, to the point of being hard to find bras for (that's an entirely seperate issue) ... but, this has the plus side of a) being less stared at by random men and b) making jumping and hopping (things that I tend to do) far more comfortable. :)

On the issue of bras, though - why do designers of these garments assume that if you're small-chested, you must want to be bigger? So many of the things are padded, underwired or both, that finding one that is neither is a pretty rare achievement.

Oh, and my hands are quite small. It would make playing the piano quite difficult.

I also can only run for pathetically short distances before losing my breath and getting a pain in both my head and my chest, due to being asthmatic.

And my toenails are very unhealthy, too thick, and sometimes grow at slightly odd angles. I'm going to have to get them checked soon to see if there's something medically wrong with them.

Something else that could be said to be unconventional is my opinion of my weight - again, I see my body size and shape as functional, a case of fair enough if you like it and fair enough if you don't; I don't mind it, and I think that that's ulimately what counts the most. I'm not exactly overweight, could stand to be more toned but so far haven't put the time into getting myself that way ... and ultimately, I have a fairly average figure that is comfortably between 'too fat to function' and 'so thin you can see my bones'.

Phew, long post. :?

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31 May 2006, 8:25 am

I don't seem to put on weight...i'm 5ft 9 and weigh a bit under 60kg

My skin is really sensitive and thin.

Also got a dent in my chest, which is called Pectus Excavatum aka Funnel Chest (quite severe and probly looks alot worse because im so skinny). I want to get an op on it where they put a metal bar in to bring the chest out a bit..that's left in for 2-3 years. But i heard its really painful and u cant play sports or lift stuff for over a month

I had a collapsed lung last year in thinks its from either smoking, my chest being the way it is (kind of restricts all the organs to work to the fullest and stops growth a little bit) or spontaneous.

My ears stick out quite a bit

I just unlucky i guess :(

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21 Jul 2006, 1:57 pm

I had my jaw wired shut when I fractured it and when the wires got taken out, I gained 20 pounds in a week. I weigh 148 now and at most I weighed just under 170.


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30 Jul 2006, 11:41 am

I remember how self-conscious of my body when I was on Risperdal. Risperdal made me gain a lot of weight. I am so thankful I have a phychiatrist that switched me to Geodon and I am losing 2 lbs. a week. I used to be 190 lbs. when I was on Risperdal, the last time I weighed I was 186. It's a good thing I keep on exercising. :D

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31 Jul 2006, 2:25 am

Ive got this cool yet annoying thing with my fingers, their double-jointed, which makes them bend in two spots on a finger.

From the hand, the first joint goes down, while the next one goes up. It really ****s my handwriting


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20 Aug 2006, 11:19 pm

Im knocked kneed and pidgeon toed. It's actaully really good for soccer since it allows your body to do sharp cuts and turns more efficiently than the others. But it's bad if i trt to wear high heeled shoes, the way my knees and feet bend inward makes it look like i cant walk in them.

OOO and if you are knocked kneed, never... and i repeat never! do a "knee-injury-prevention-excersize" because the one i did required you to keep your knees aligned with your hips and hop, i did it anyways and almost really screwed up my knee.

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21 Aug 2006, 8:19 am

I'm not concerned about my weight. I'm slightly overweight, but it doesnt bother me. As long as I dont graze food I'll be ok. :)


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21 Aug 2006, 6:23 pm

I'm 17, about 5' 5 1/2" (depends hwen I measure myself :P ) and (ugh, I hate this) about 120lbs. I was gradually putting on a bit of weight but it didn't bother me til I realised I was the wrong side of 8 1/2 stone. I'm about a size 10 in clothes, but it's horrible trying not to get jealous of a girl in ym friendship group who's almost a year older, weighs less than 7 stone and just looks so ... good. She's 5' 1/2" (In that respect I don't envy her) but still ... she's so petite. It's difficult to feel good about myself with her around, and as of yet I've not succeeded. (Actually it's difficult with anyone around, but especially her.)

Problems with my body? It's easier to say the bits of myself I do like - my wrists (even though they hurt, but I'm talking aesthetically here) my ankles and my hair.

In terms of actual *problems,* my joints tend to ache, and I have tendonitis in my wrist, which isn't helped by playing stringed instruments ... Fibromyalgia runs in the family and from the trend so far I'll almost certainly have it when I'm an adult. Joy.

By the way, it was nice to let that out :)

Spectrumite ... somewhere.

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14 Oct 2006, 11:51 pm

The first post sounding exactly like me. I'm a male that's 5'6", I weigh 140 and I am on a pill that has a side effect of apetite stimulation.I Pretty much learned to accept my small size and I don't let it bother me. I would have to say the parts of my body I hate is my big butt, weak chin, and narrow shoulders. I've been working out though every other day trying to get the junk out of my trunk, get some pecs, broaden the shoulders, and get bigger arms. All I can say is fix what you can, I know I'll never be tall so I don't let it bother me, I may have a weak chin I could get a chin augmentaion but It may be out of my price range. I know I'm working out because I'm sick of being pushed around and intimdated by bigger guys and to attract the ladies. All you got to do is fix what you can, put some effort into it and workout smarter not harder!


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15 Oct 2006, 10:19 am

wait... scratch what i said before, the thing I hate about my body the most is my brain.

It's only funny until someone gets hurt
then it's freaken hilarious


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21 Oct 2006, 11:12 pm

I feel. I feel like an NT when I think of this stuff.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 Nov 2006, 1:27 pm

I'm 6'5" and weigh 270 lbs. Guess what I get called a lot.

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