What an interesting topic for discussion.
The groups I have belonged in the past varied greatly. In my childhood, I was usually alone or pursued by weirdoes and perverted throughout my adulthood even now.
then during the school years, I had few best friends that I shared lesbian experience with in platonic sense. then I got hitched by group of rebels who would sniff glue or do bad things because I was a different outcast like them but in a different way. We used to get into major troubles so I ended up staying away from them in the following year.
I did move around a lot and switch schools because I just couldn’t fit in. then when I was accepted into an art school, I became friends with most of the girls there and even guys. luckily there was no bullying because everyone was sort of different and unique in their own ways.
When I got older, I was too old to approach anyone for friendship so I ended up hanging out with some guys who were only nice to me because I am a girl and they would not be able to normally befriend with girl like me without being extra nice.
I definitely had more guy friends than girl friends which I do regret because I was abused and used a lot sexually by them throughout my life.
I do hope to find some normal group of cool friends who do not want to use me for anything other than my genuine friendship and companionship based on trust and love.
I am attracted to a weird sense of humour(non-violent kind), spiritualism, intellectualism and even bit of chemical experimentation(?). the mixture of all four would be a fantastic combination. so anyone who would like to offer that should be free to message me.