sinsboldly wrote:
Tarri wrote:
Actually I agree.
I've been hurt by people saying (sometimes behind my back, too) that I'm "not all there" and that "I would need alot of work".
That coming from one of my friend's parents, who then didn't want me in their daughter's life, because I wasn't normal.
My friend had also invited me to her birthday, but her parents would NOT have me "at their baby's birthday".
I had an emotional break-down over that.. it just hurt so much..
And I have been treated by the system (in regards to helping to try find some work) as completely ret*d, I've been played and given the run around, TWICE.
I have news for people like that: we AREN'T ret*d, in fact we're smarter than them!!
Just because we were born with a mental condition does not mean we're stupid.
isn't it interesting where you are hurt because people discriminate against you, but you have no hesitation to join them in ganging up to disrespect ret*d and stupid people? Don't you think
they have feelings, either?
Of course they have feelings, but I did not even discriminate against them anyway... I did not bring the discussion of them into this, only that alot of other "normal" people will wrongly make the assumption that just because people with a disorder have a disorder, they automatically believe we're stupid, instead of seeing that it varies greatly.
I don't disrespect or gang up on people who have those problems, because that would make me no different, and I loathe that kind of attitude.
I have a brother who is actually quite slow on the mark, gets confused easily, is very gullible, and can't even spell properly. But I have alot of respect for him, in fact, I confide in him almost all the time.
He's dim, but at the same time he's very capable and bright.
And I believe that although you might have ret*d and stupid people out there, they have a greater degree in an ability in some form which beats other's.
And accusing me of doing or saying something I did not even do or say really hurt.