They want to be stronger and better than everyone else, they dont have a feeling honesty inside of them, theyll line up for hours in night clubs, theyll talk about looking at each other like sex objects, who is this person going out with, talk about stupid idiotic movies and music that just takes the brains away. They build therer own reality thinking no one can be trusted but yet they will include people like that in there life, everyone cheats so they feel they have to treat each other a cerain way all because of egotism, in tern they are not being honest human being and don't have the decency to be one. Welcome to the new age of responsible human beings NT's you out of control people, you make me feel like card board, like im nothing and I just have to be like everyone else, when really there is a voice inside of me saying this is wrong. I dont want anything to say anything bad or be dishonest in my life, and they are certainly people who only care about the physical outside layer. Asperger are people who act like human beings and are scared of the world, we listen to that voice inside of you. They are too taken away by there desires and they dont have the respect there us aspies, they dont think such people even exist so they have to act out of control with the feeling of greed, power and hate only caring about them selves towards there fellow human being, hence why they age faster and look older, those half witted people.