squatterandtheant wrote:
Religion foments bigotry, abuses children, fuels war, and abuses basic human rights.
There is no evidence of god whatsoever. It is simply wishful thinking.
Reason must prevail over blind faith.
Wise up!
In rebuttal;
There is evidence of the existence of a divine being
read Five Ways to Prove God Exists by Thomas Aquinas, just try and refute it, if you can give explanations as to how these five things could work without a god, then you may have a point, if you cannot then you are just making unfounded accusations.
Furthermore, everything you have accused of religion of doing has also been committed by atheists. Exhibit A, the Atheist Soviet Union, People's Republic of China, Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge, and communist Vietnam, all of whom had governments that officially declared Atheism as their state religion, so that religion would not get in the way of their communist ideology, as the communist manifesto instructed them to. These Atheist regimes did everything you accuse religion of and worse.
Furthermore religious people are capable of using reason, and those who are good at following their religion almost always use reason to enhance their ability to follow the doctrine of their faith.
And lastly, you aren't going to convince anyone to believe what you say if you just insult them and their beliefs and give no argument to support your view, all you will succeed in is making your own views sound angry and narrow-minded. As the ancient king Ashoka had said, those who insult the religious beliefs of others make their own look bad.