Aspergus and me
I'd always been diffrent, my mum tried to take me to toddler groups and the like but I never spoke to the other kids or even took an intrest in them. I'd find a toy I wanted and take it off to a quiet corner, if people came along trying to share I never let them, I've been told I'd lash out and get violent towards them.
When I started primary school at the age of four I was still a bit odd and wouldn't hang around with the other kids. The first day I was quiet looking at the faces, I'd never seen so many people before. They were all trying to make friends with each other and I did try but I didn't succeed. I'm not too sure what went wrong with it but the other kids didn't like me. I remember in Year One a group of girls were looking to play a game "Who wants to play _Whatever game it was_ no Andi's" they walked around the playground chanting that, each sylable cut me inside and I still carry with me today. I told one of the teachers who was on playground duty and they thought it was "just a joke" and "couldn't possibly hurt anyone" maybe if they'd seen me crying later on. That was one of the first times I really cried because I was sad over something.
I struggled through that school and when I was about 7 or 8 they got some shrinks into see me. I had to fill out work sheets that would show my self esteem which always came back as low. Nobody ever explained to me what this meant or even told me! I found out by reading the letters addressed to my parents. They suspected Manic Depression, I guess I've always fitted that, and when I was about 10 I was sent off to a hospital to have more sessions with shirnks, they said Aspergus.
I'm not sure if I belive in AS though, I looked at one of the leafletts my mum was given and there were over 100 signs listed. Some were fairly common that several people do. I belive I am diffrent to normal people and my mind doesn't work the same, but I'm not sure if it deserves a label.
While I was at primary school my dad used to hit me because I'd misbehave. People would make me feel like crying and I'd hurt them. Hurting them would make me feel, better, it felt like I was showing them they couldn't make me cry the only way I knew how. I wasn't brought up in the best of familys, my dad hit me from a young age so I was used to voilence. We had out moments when we got on, but then something at school would go wrong and he'd hate me. It didn't help that I was promised a guitar for my birthday one year and because I never got it I obsessed over that, my school work slipped because all I could think about was this guitar I was going to have, and how perfect everything would be because I'd have this guitar, and that was the one thing I needed for a perfect life.
I started at high school aged 11. It was an all girls school and I'd never got on that well with other girls, I didn't make any friends while I was there, apart from one girl, who was being bullied. Big mistake. I ended up standing up for her when she was being chased and I couldn't get rid of her afterwards, people started roumers about us even though it was all untrue. The school refused to help me saying they didn't know how to deal with AS. I lasted 5 terms, dropping out durning the Easter break of Year 8 after throwing a padlock at another girl for calling me names.
I was out of education for about 9 months and I cut myself, but I probably developed depression sometime around primary school. I didn't realise at first, I was shaving my legs over the side of the bath with a razor and I saw the blood, I'd slashed my leg open. It didn't hurt but I felt better, I started to get into heavy cutting and everytime I tried to stop I ended up stressed, suicidal and tearful. I got placed at an Out of School Learning unit (OSL) about a year after dropping out of normal school. I wasn't sure what to make of it when I first went in. I was on indervidual tuition and wasn't sure how to speak to my teacher and I had trouble saying even the most basic things, such as "I'm stuck with times tables" to her. About a year after my cutting started OSL found out. I'd had a rough year, I was placed into a group with 3 other people my age and got kicked out for fighting, so I was with a diffrent teacher to the first one and I got on much better with her. She saw some scratchs on my arm that I said were from the guinea pig but she didn't belive me and asked me to remove the sweat band from my wrist, only to find the sweat band was hiding loads of scars and cuts. They told my parents I was sent off to a shrink and I came back labeled as an 'attention seeker' only to find out later that the shrink didn't take the AS or whatever it is I have into account. A while later I overdosed and was sent off to another shrink who said I was depressed but I have ups too, I have suicidal tendancys and I obsess over guitars a little too much to be normal.
My dad was diagnosed with cancer around the time I started cutting. He died in April of this year. I wished him dead so many times.
My pet guinea pig died of cancer too. I miss the guinea pig more than my dad.
When I was 14 I got my first guitar but it was no good. I hated it and couldn't play it because my hands were too small and because of having small hands I can't play classical (nylon strug) guitars. It took me until October to get a guitar I could play and from there I learnt really quickly. I now have 5 guitars, including my dad's and the one I can't play. I'm still not happy and want more guitars convinced one will make my life perfect. I don't know why I think this I just do.
Some people think I could've developed depression because I had AS but I'm not sure. I'm trying to recover from all of it but I sometimes feel I need to cut. Starting cutting was the biggest mistake ever but I didn't exactly choose to start, it just happened. Two years ago I was cutting daily, but now I'm down to fortnightly sometimes I got three months.
I'm not really sure why I posted this.
I'm sorry you've had such a tough time, Andi. I'm glad you have your guitars to give you something positive to focus on. I'm also glad that you've been able to reduce your cutting, although I'm sorry you're still feeling depressed. I really hope you're getting some proper counselling and support.
Welcome to Wrong Planet. People are very understanding here, so I'm glad you posted, even if you're not sure why you did.
Take care. Jenny
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Hi Andi, and Welcome to Wrong Planet!
Hello andi, that sounds like a horrible situation which you have been in and it's very good that you are emerging from the other side.
I have to admit that being depressed with aspergers really does suck and even though I didn't get into cutting, I believe I would have if I had stayed depressed.
From the account of your story it sounds like you are british and I have to sympathise with you as I believe that the school system over here just isn't effective for individuals with asperger syndrome.
Whilst I was at school I wasn't allowed to say what I believed my needs were and was just shoved to the back and accused of mannipulating the situation. This definetly was not the case and I was just trying to get it so I had full time support in P.E (There were huge problems with bullying in this area due to my poor coordination as a result of dyspraxia) and getting exams on my own.
Now I am at college and enjoying it a lot more. I still get full time support but she just sits away from me and is there when I need her, which is great as it doesn't patronise me in any way.
How old are you now by the way?
I was having a convosation with someone on MSN about people who had annoying names, like "going to kill myself now" and that sort of thing, without realising I'd been banned from an exclusive forum he runs. Xoana is me, and Colin was the person I was talking to.
Colin says (19:02):
Not our fault.
Xoana says (19:02):
Colin says (19:02):
You're not referring to the e-mail?
Xoana says (19:03):
I was going to say theres another person with an attention seeking name on MSN.
Colin says (19:03):
Well, you've been one in the past too.
Xoana says (19:03):
I haven't had my MSN name like that though.
Colin says (19:03):
You had something like "all men are rapists"
Xoana says (19:03):
And now there's "Suicide sometimes seems the only way out maybe not for everyone but I will have a 6ft hole all of my own"
Xoana says (19:04):
Yeah but i changed that when asked to.
And that was more of a stupid joke that males didn't find funny.
Colin says (19:04):
For obvious reasons.
Xoana says (19:04):
Xoana says (19:05):
But I hate people that put they're killing themselves or whatever in the MSN names or PMs.
Xoana says (19:06):
I've spent the past week thinking about slicing up my flesh with saw blades.
It's hard enough not to but I don't need people treating it as a good thing by putting it in their name.
Xoana says (19:07):
it just pisses me off.
Xoana says (19:09):
How's you anyways?
Colin says (19:10):
Better now I've had a shower.
Just about to start on dinner
Xoana says (19:10):
Bit early isn't it?
I've not even had lunch yet
oh just noticed the time.
Xoana says (19:16):
oh I got banned
Xoana says (19:17):
For ranting about the persons name
Colin says (19:28):
And various other posts too
Xoana says (19:36):
What did I actually post then?
Was that this thing from this morning about buying another guitar?
Colin says (19:44):
It was the post last night about the MSN name
Xoana says (19:44):
Colin says (19:44):
as it says in the e-mail in fact
Xoana says (19:44):
it said several posts
Xoana says (19:45):
I thought i was getting better at posting
Colin says (19:45):
that was the trigger
to some extent, but the standard is still rather low.
Xoana says (19:45):
Colin says (19:46):
it's not so much what you say, it's that what you say is all about you and rarely connecting with other people.
Xoana says (19:46):
I've never been any good at taking other people into consideration.
Xoana says (19:47):
I've never understood other people
it all goes over my head.
Colin says (19:47):
you don't even seem to try
Xoana says (19:47):
I don't know how
I don't know what other people like
or what they think
Colin says (19:48):
read what they write or listen to what they say
Xoana says (19:48):
I try
but i don't know if they mean it or not.
Colin says (19:50):
people appreciate when you make the effort even if you aren't right sometimes
Xoana says (19:50):
what if i'm wrong all the time?
Colin says (19:50):
you're not
Xoana says (19:51):
is there any proof of that?
Colin says (19:51):
sometimes you're right
Xoana says (19:51):
about what though?
Colin says (19:52):
about how people want to interact
you couldn't be 100% wrong unless you completely understood people and deliberately made the wrong choice every time to annoy them
Xoana says (19:52):
I don't try to annoy people
Xoana says (19:53):
unless it's as a joke
Colin says (19:53):
so you aren't 100% wrong
Xoana says (19:53):
I don't ask people "how's school" because I don't understand why they aren't being bullied
Colin says (19:54):
why do you expect everyone to be getting bullied?
Xoana says (19:54):
when I was about 6 I felt like life was just a test.
to get to the real world and meet real people I had to pass the test
Xoana says (19:55):
i thought everyone else was just an extra and meant nothing
then when i reached the age of about 9 i thought everyone had the same life layout
Xoana says (19:56):
so if i was having a bad day and my dad hit me everyone else was having a bad day and thier dad hit them.
Colin says (19:56):
but you've learnt better, right?
Xoana says (19:56):
and I know that everyone has diffrent lives now but I still don't understand why some people get on fine at school and I had such a hard time there
Colin says (19:57):
well, mainly because you weren't so good at fitting in
(not entirely your fault)
Xoana says (19:57):
I know
Xoana says (19:58):
I still don't understand life
Colin says (20:01):
well, I've given up trying to explain it to you
Xoana says (20:01):
I don't see the point in it
Xoana says (20:02):
I try, everything goes okay, something goes wrong, everything comes crashing down around me
Colin says (20:03):
well, you need better ways of dealing with things going wrong then.
Xoana says (20:03):
but i'm not sure how
Colin says (20:05):
work out how to try and sort it, or keep going despite the fact something 's not right
Xoana says (20:06):
i had a problem once where i was 'friends' with this girl, but every time somoene came over and spoke to her she'd run off with them and drop me
she only spoke to me when nobody else was around
and when i asked her about it she slapped me
Colin says (20:06):
so not a friend then
Xoana says (20:06):
but i don't understand why she slapped me when i asked
Colin says (20:07):
why do you have to understand?
Xoana says (20:08):
i don't know
Colin says (20:08):
that situation's gone
so no point dwelling on ti
Xoana says (20:09):
but everytime i try and sort something out the other person gets pissed off
Colin says (20:09):
maybe you aren't sorting it out in the right way then?
Xoana says (20:10):
Colin says (20:10):
so you'll have to awtch what other people do and see what you can learn from them
Xoana says (20:11):
but i don't see other people
i only go out when i have to go to church
Colin says (20:13):
Xoana says (20:13):
my mum takes me shopping once a fortnight
but i haven't seen anyone my own age since i left school
Colin says (20:14):
well, cant help with that
Xoana says (20:15):
i don't have any friends who i can say "lets go shopping" to
i used to have a connexions adviser but she hasn't spoken to me for ages
and Shazz used to talk to me but she stopped talking to me when i left school
Colin says (20:16):
you know why I think that might be?
Xoana says (20:16):
Colin says (20:16):
pretty much every conversation I have with you you just want to moan about stuff
and every positive thing I try to offer you doesn't work - you're not willing to try anything
Colin says (20:17):
or find some reason why it wouldn't work
so really, what's the point?
Xoana says (20:17):
i don't know
Colin says (20:17):
I want to be there for you but it isn't doing any apparent good
Colin says (20:18):
you don't seem to be bothered about speaking to me - I'm just someone who's there when you're bored
and then you disappear off randomly to do something else
Xoana says (20:18):
i guess so
Colin says (20:19):
so if you continue like that, you won't have any friends
if you start trieating people better, then people will be more likely to stick by you
Xoana says (20:20):
well i've never had friends to speak to
i don't know any of this
Colin says (20:20):
lots of people at LW wanted to be your friend and you just rejected them
Xoana says (20:21):
on LW i was too busy waiting to be left alone in the dorm so i could cut myself
i had about 7 knives in my makeup bag
Colin says (20:21):
and that changes things how?
Xoana says (20:22):
i don't know
Colin says (20:22):
you've had lots of people try to help you but you won't accept anything
Xoana says (20:23):
normaly i get thrown in at the deep end with loads of people
which always freaks me out
Colin says (20:24):
but you've had one-on-one time with counsellors, with people at your special school, etc
Xoana says (20:24):
i've been to see 2 shrinks
i didn't know them
Colin says (20:24):
they've tried to give you the tools to deal with daily life
you didn't try to get to know them
Xoana says (20:25):
i only had the one session
Colin says (20:25):
not that I think that would have helped, given how you responded to Julie
Colin says (20:26):
see, you're just coming up with excuses and moans again
there isn't a "magic wand" that anyone can cast spells with
Xoana says (20:26):
how are you meant to get to know someone in a half hour session?
Colin says (20:27):
from what you said before you were just rude to him and told him you didn't want to talk to him
Xoana says (20:27):
the first one
because she kept being really odd with me
and kept treating me as if everything that went wron was my fault
like my dad getting cancer
Colin says (20:28):
I don't believe that's what she said
she might have said that some things that went wrong in your life are your fault
which I think is true and you need to face up to it
Xoana says (20:29):
everything in my life seems to be my fault
Colin says (20:29):
some things are. some things are not
Colin says (20:32):
and Andi wanders off?
Xoana says (20:33):
Colin says (20:33):
Xoana says (20:34):
andi buggers off to The Sims 2 where her Simself is doing well and has friends and a nice house and 2 dogs
Colin says (20:34):
Andi runs away and once again refuses to face up to life
Xoana says (20:34):
well lives horrible
i get lonely i barely go out
when i do i want to go home
Xoana says (20:35):
i want friends but i can never make any
i fail at people skills
i've probably failed my GCSEs
Colin says (20:37):
well... your choice. If you keep going th eway things are going, things will get worse
if you try and make an effort to improve things they might get better
Colin says (20:38):
and by an effort, I don't mean an effort that peters out the minute anything goes wrong
Xoana says (20:38):
well i don't know how to speak to people
everytime i do something goes wrong
Colin says (20:39):
does anything go right?
Xoana says (20:39):
a few things
but not many
Colin says (20:40):
well, see if you can work out what happened there and build on it?
Xoana says (20:40):
but i don't know what keeps going wrong
i say hi to someone and they ignore me
then log off
Colin says (20:41):
maybe they weren't there
Xoana says (20:41):
but it happens every time i try to speak to certian people
Colin says (20:41):
well, perhaps they don't want to speak to you any more then
it happens
Colin says (20:42):
recognise that things haven't worked out with those people and move on
Xoana says (20:42):
how was i meant to know that
Colin says (20:42):
know what?
Xoana says (20:42):
that they were fed up with talking to me
Colin says (20:43):
maybe from the last conversation they had they appeared annoyed?
Xoana says (20:43):
i don't think any of them were
Colin says (20:43):
I don't know then
Colin says (20:44):
but you can work it out from the fact they keep ignoring you now
Colin says (20:55):
and so it ends.
I'm not sure what to make of what's been said. I don't think I'll be going on MSN for a while though.
Hi, Andi. I'm sorry you've been banned from that forum. I think that Colin was trying very hard to explain to you why other people react to you the way they do. He was also getting frustrated about you having a negative attitude most of the time. He was trying to be honest and helpful, but I don't think he understands why you behave the way you do. Does he know that you have Asperger's and the effect that has on your interactions with other people.
Like Colin, I'm NT and I also have an online friend with AS. I found a lot of my friend's behaviour and ideas quite hard to understand until I realised why he was acting that way. Now it's a lot easier because I know more about Asperger's and I understand him a lot better.
At the end of the MSN conversation you didn't reply to Colin for a whole 12 minutes. That's a long time and I think he felt that you'd just cut him off- that's why he says "and so it ends". My friend with AS used to do things like that to me- just go without saying good-bye, and I used to find it hurtful- NTs expect some sort of good-bye, even just "GTG" will do.
I think Colin would be prepared to talk with you again- he sounds very understanding. You may need to explain to him about Asperger's, though, or tell him to Google it to find some information. Otherwise he may think that you behave this way because you're rude rather than because you can't help it.
If you want to be allowed back onto that forum, Colin may let you back on once he understands you better. You may also have to change your behaviour on the forum so that you don't upset others. You could ask Colin to explain what you need to do.
I hope this helps, Andi. I hope you can sort this all out- it sounds like you're trying hard. Best wishes, Jenny
Thanks, I wasn't sure what to say to him so I just stopped talking. He does know about the AS stuff. To be honest I'm not botherd about the forums, I keep getting banned anyway and nobody ever says what I've done wrong. They used to e-mail me when I got banned but now they expect me to know even though they know about the AS and that I don't understand people.
Thanks Jenny.