Just before I go on I will tell you a little it about myself, mainly so you can uinderstand my reasoning for wanting to get an assesment. I also know to local G.P's.
Recently (A few weeks ago) I read Freaks, Geeks and Aspergers Syndrome, A user Giude to Adolescenceb. It has since become my second favioute book. After reading it I analayzed it and found that 99.9% of the symptoms descridedin the book i had, so I will give you a list. Easier to read.
I get up really early (5-6 o'clock) and can't get to sleep till about 10-11.
I get obsessed with things (this subject for example has become a facination, I just cannot stop thinking about it).
I have qiute a few sensory issues, I am very light sound sensitive.
I am as good socioly as a bin bag.
I hate making eye contact with people.
I am clumsy.
I have a good vocabuary for my age.
I would call my specialist sibject Human Biology (can't stop thinking and researching it)
I love collecting things and puting them in order, battries for exaple or more to the point why non of my family can never get them.
I speak in a monotone.
I don't feel the urge to socialize (apparently most normals do).
I don't like breaking rules, mainly because they are fro a good reason!!
Acording to mum I am "Very black and white in my opinion".
I have trouble with sarcasam.
I don't get clich's.
As you can seen almost all of these point "Aspergers" so, as the DIagnosis would awnser a lot of my questions it will be qiute useful. Its just getting the courage to talk to my parents about it. For all I know i might be diagnosed with it. But I have never seen my full ED Phyc report.
If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
-Albert Einstein
- Cruch Bang Linux.