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10 Jan 2010, 7:46 pm

I hate when people make really sick jokes, partially as I always take them seriously.

I mean, how am I supposed to know that a note I recieved containing a death threat is "obviously fake"?

Web hoaxes are also something I never recognize, and I always believe the disturbing stories.

There was a girl in my class who was threatening me, saying that she was going to cut my throat. How on earth was I not supposed to freak out?

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10 Jan 2010, 7:58 pm

If some kid can get expelled for pointing a chicken finger at the lunch lady and saying bang bang, then I would think this kind of behavior would be expulsion worthy too.

Detach ed

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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10 Jan 2010, 8:09 pm

Oh, I love how they toss it off as "obviously" a joke. It's their way of making fun of us, I believe. Because they know we don't pick up on the "obvious" and it gives them a pass for their behavior which is, not funny and, unacceptable. I concur it should be suspension worthy if not expulsion worthy!

Good luck :)

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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19 Jan 2010, 3:27 pm

Agreed. Ofcourse, in my school, it's not as much threatening jokes as it is dirty, sick jokes or swear-word jokes. They've even invaded the "Special Needs" Department. For example, I was talking to another Aspie the other day - he told me a Swear-word joke and I just completely and utterly face-palmed at how misguided he was to think I'd have laughed at that.


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19 Jan 2010, 3:53 pm

A kid at my school once told me that his mother had died in a car crash. Then he told me he was kidding and said I was an idiot for believing him. :roll:

Everyone I've told this to (NTs and aspies) has said that they would have believed it too and that he's the one with the problem for making such a sick 'joke'. It's nice to know this isn't my problem.

My brother has a 'friend' (they're not really friends in the true sense of the word) who is a compulsive liar, and had told my brother that his parents were beating him up (my brother knew he was making this up), and then later said it was only a joke. Can't these kids get it into their heads that it is messed up and not in the slightest bit funny?

'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
La clase, no acaba
y es como un semestre"