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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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27 Jul 2009, 6:44 pm

Like, where do they hang out? They can't all just sit at home all day like I do. :)


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27 Jul 2009, 8:11 pm

I feel like I am the perfect person to answer your question, because I've been observing my 13-year-old son on the spectrum (who stays home most of the time, unless I arrange some kind of activity with friends), and my NT 18-year-old daughter, who for four years curtailed any social life for the volleyball team and her studies -- but now that she's graduated, is making up for lost time socializing every single day!

Besides attending multiple grad parties every weekend, my daughter does the following:

1. works two or three days a week
2. gets together with friends of both genders and makes cookies for other friends
3. plays Apples to Apples with her group of friends
4. goes to concerts at small venues in the city
5. goes to various art festivals in the city
6. goes to eat at Denny's (very popular activity)
7. they are planning a Slip 'N Slide party
8. Find the weirdest outfit they can at Goodwill
9. Hang out at the park on the swings, etc.
10.When she was younger (15) they would get together at someone's house to watch a video
11.go to movies
12.go to Starbucks and talk
13.attend concerts of bands from her high school
14.Play a relaxed game of soccer at the park

What's really important here is that my daughter is friends with a group from high school who were all very different, many were somewhat odd, and they all met in a political extra-curricular club. They are the bright, unusual kids, who have a great sense of humor and are comfortable now with their differences. Also, VERY IMPORTANT, is that my daughter HAS to make the arrangements to do any of these activities -- none of her friends exert the effort to contact the other friends to do this stuff, but they all LOVE getting together.

So, YOU may have to make the effort to call other people to get something going. Just hanging out in one's basement is fun if you like the people you're hanging with.


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27 Jul 2009, 8:27 pm

don't want to sound like an old lady, but when I was a teenager in the summer, I had a job. I babysat (which I sucked at, btw), I worked at a credit clothing shop calling in past due accounts (misery squared), I stocked a buffet for hungry lunch grabbers, er diners, I made kettle fried potato chips, I removed lables from dog food cans ( two weeks of misery cubed) I had a paper route, I bought cases of candy from the Cash and Carry and sold them by the stick, ball or bar on my street. I shelved books at a library, I cashiered at a fast food taco place. I was a guide at a local pioneer cemetary and 'cowtown'. I took tickets at a movie theatre.

And I saved up the money to buy school clothes and supplies for fall.

oh, and once I bought a guitar at a pawnshop, a little three quarter sized Stella. I loved that guitar.

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27 Jul 2009, 9:02 pm

Lately, skateboarding and whatever time I can get for guitar.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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28 Jul 2009, 12:54 am

Bike riding is about the only thing that can get me out of my house. I want to aim on getting a car next year so I can start hitting the road more often.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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28 Jul 2009, 8:05 pm

I'm 15, and I've been keeping pretty busy this summer. Mostly, my time is taken up by sports, but I do hang out with my friends. Here's what I did yesterday, for example:

7:15-8:45 - Soccer Practice
9:00-12:00 - Work at soccer camp
12:00-1:30 - Home to shower and have lunch
1:30-3:30 - Playing basketball at the park with some friends
4:00-6:00 - Volunteering
7:00-11:00 - Swimming and hanging out at my friend's house

Working and volunteering are good for getting out of the house and taking up time. You also get to meet a lot of people your age that you could end up hanging out with after work.

Snowy Owl
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28 Jul 2009, 8:51 pm

I don't really do much during the summer, all I do is sit home and play video games, browse the internet, and go to my little job once a week to earn some spending money. The reason I choose not to "go out" is because there always seems to be trouble, especially if it's going out with kids at school or my not-so-upstanding relatives.

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30 Jul 2009, 12:11 am

I sit in my basement and read a webcomic called user friendly.

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30 Jul 2009, 12:22 pm

I do summer school and visit my bf and a few friends.

I'm at my computer a lot too. :)

Blue Jay
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30 Jul 2009, 1:27 pm

I usually just sit around on the computer and visit websites and listen to music. Occasionally I'll walk over to my friend's house or call someone. I also practice my musical instruments at times and draw when I get an idea. That's pretty much it for me. I don't really do much. I do have band camp starting soon though.


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30 Jul 2009, 6:11 pm

I've spent most of my summer inside reading, listening to music, going online, working out, watching TV, cleaning everything in sight, knitting, memorizing pi, working on my summer homework for AP English, and wondering why we have such a long summer vacation anyway. I'm also taking a couple classes at community college, volunteering at the library, and occasionally babysitting for an incredibly annoying 5-year-old. I'd like to get a job, but it's next to impossible to find one in my town what with a) the recession, and b) our proximity to a college.

My NT sister spends her time playing Sims 2, hanging out with friends either at our house or theirs, at theater or dance camp, at the outdoor pool, shopping, and eating a ton of food.

I don't know what anyone else is doing. I think they spend a lot of time sleeping in, then hanging out with friends and playing outdoor sports.


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31 Jul 2009, 7:37 am

I sit around and do nothing.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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14 Aug 2009, 11:09 pm

sience all of my friends are on the internet, im on the internet all summer xD, kinda sad isnt it xD

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15 Aug 2009, 8:07 pm

I wanted to get a job, but I had summer school during the first half of my break so there's really no point in getting a job for one month. Besides, I had a few plans and given the tiny bit of the break I still have left, I don't know whether I'll be able to accomplish everything I've planned to do.
I've planned to read a couple of books. I've finished most I wanted to read, but I still have lots to read so I spend most of my time reading. Right now, I'm reading 2 books at once: one is "Warped Passages" by Lisa Randall and the other is "Manufacturing Consent" by Noam Chomsky, and I still wanted to go through a book that I have on Fibonacci numbers and another one on graph theory. Plus, I want to learn integrals, probability, and how to prove by induction. And I have basically 2 weeks left *sigh*.
Well, besides that, I watch a little bit of TV, go swimming (the heat here is just intolerable!), and listen to music/sing.

Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).

Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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15 Aug 2009, 10:23 pm

I work about four days a week. Aside from that, I hang out at home. Although "hang out" probably isn't the appropriate term.

Snowy Owl
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23 Aug 2009, 3:40 pm

Usually, I just spend most of my time at home on the computer or reading. This year I'm getting out more 'cause a support worker from school is doing outreach with me for five hours a week and I'm going to a BSL class on Wednesdays.