I've had gay dreams and I'm quite straight. I just woke up, accepted that I'd felt that way, and moved on (MorbidMiss' "That does not mean you have to do anything about it" was very on-target). Sexual attraction is a fluid thing with a wide array of influences at different times. And especially during adolescence, personal attraction, affection, sensual desire, and aesthetics can stir up hormones in unexpected or unusual ways while everything is figuring itself out. Like everyone has said, don't sweat it. At this point in life, I have a female friend that I feel very close and bonded to, and I'd go so far as to say I love her almost like I love my husband (even started out rather like a crush), but there's nothing sexual in it---just a great degree of warmth and magnetism. She's probably the only one other than my husband or mom that I'd gladly hug or nestle against, if she weren't even more averse to such contact than I am
Hope I'm not intruding, being past adolescence, but the subject rang a bell
"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was not made for this world." (C.S. Lewis)